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remote work research paper

Abstract. (2017). Shockley, K. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2014. When people are required to work from home irrespective of their abilities and preferences, we find that selfdiscipline can significantly shape remote working experiences. A Study of 1,100 Employees Found That Remote Workers Feel Shunned and ), Worklife flexibility for whom? As Baruch (2000) articulated, organizations and managers should find new ways to manage, develop innovative career paths, and put in place proper support mechanisms for teleworkers (p. 46). However, such interactions need to be more deliberately orchestrated when working from home. To assess remote worker experience, we asked participants to report the frequency of working from home before the lockdown with a 5point rating scale ranging from 1 = never to 5 = always. As participants might narrowly focus on specific aspects of remote working experiences, we generated a list of questions before we conducted the interviews (for these questions, see Appendix A), which helped us to get a comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon. He found that when telecommuting is less common at a company, employees tend to perform best when they work primarily remotely. Existing research has mainly focused on impacts of virtual work characteristics on wellbeing. , & tasks, activities, relationships, and The virus has broken through cultural and technological barriers that prevented remote work in the past, setting in motion a structural shift in where work takes place, at least for some people. The Future of Work, Research Paper Example | essays.io Remote Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Making the Best of It Podsakoff, P.M. As researchers and managers practicing in the field, what we need to understand more fully is not if, but how, teleworking is best conducted to maximize work outputs.. However, scholars and practitioners might overstate the bright side of remote working, especially if they rely on the established research. Social support HWI Selfreported performance, 7. Taking their classical study as an example, based on a sample of 273 telecommuters and their supervisors, Golden and Gajendran (2019) found that the positive relationship between the extent of remote working (i.e., the percentage of time spent on remote working per week) and supervisorrated job performance was more pronounced for those working in complex jobs, those with lower task interdependence, and those receiving lower social support. 6, 2007). Verive, J.M. Mak, S., & Kozlowski, S.W.J., In Landers, R.N. , interference (HWI) and worktohome Wang, X.H. Find Work Want to hire a Research Paper Writer? Feuerhahn, N. Ashford, S.P. , Scholars in this stream of literature are interested in how virtual work characteristics shape work experiences within the context of remote work. , , 2, 2015). In Study 1, from semistructured interviews with Chinese employees working from home in the early days of the pandemic, we identified four key remote work challenges (workhome interference, ineffective communication, procrastination, and loneliness), as well as four virtual work characteristics that affected the experience of these challenges (social support, job autonomy, monitoring, and workload) and one key individual difference factor (workers selfdiscipline). More than 26 million Americansabout 16% of the total workforcenow work remotely at least part of the time, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). For instance, if the problem is low quality of work or productivity by remote workers (as supported in the literature), then possible research questions might be: Remote workers may also shift consumption patterns. of Social support is particularly important in this extraordinary context, because it can act as a negativity buffer (Bavik, Shaw, & Wang, 2020), helping workers cope with stress and focus on tasks. They provide global benefits, like health insurance and retirement savings, to remote workers and teams. September 8, 2020. We identified that remote work challenges (theme 1), virtual work characteristics (theme 2), and individual factors (theme 3) were crucial for remote workers performance and wellbeing during the pandemic (Table (Table22). Consequences of workfamily conflict on employee wellbeing over time. Further research is needed on this issue. Remote work is a highly desired perk. Following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work increased dramatically across the entire country. Work design is one of the most influential theoretical perspectives in existing remote working literature. These employees also tend to be among the highest paid. In Study 2, a crosssectional online survey study, we collected data from 522 employees having remote working experiences during the COVID19 pandemic to quantitatively examine the identified links. 42% Then in 2020 with the arrival of COVID-19 and the conversation about remote work and working from home sped as people examined the pandemics implications on the immediate nature of work both in the short and long-term. Wang, B. Van Zoonen, W. In remote work, they are the majority at Too, However, this was in part the point: to explore whether this would be so, and to assess the applicability of work design theory, in the very different context of the pandemic. 3,900 remote professionals on six continents were surveyed for one of the most comprehensive reports ever created on remote work. Hackers are taking advantage of these . Strauss, K. (2007) identified a range of motivational, knowledge, social, and physical work characteristics as predicting desirable employee outcomes (e.g., better performance and wellbeing, positive psychological states, job satisfaction, etc.). , matter and how GitLabs Remote Work Report captures this seminal moment in history. Podsakoff, N.P. Euwema, M.C. Moving forward, he hopes to see researchers studying virtual teams do a better job of building on those existing insights, such as by investigating how to coordinate knowledge sharing in virtual teams. feel that their organization is doing enough to share company-wide goals, document processes, create communication standards, and promote visibility amongst workstreams. Study Finds Productivity Not Deterred by Shift to Remote Work - SHRM the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. However, compared with facetoface interactions, online communications cannot give people a sense of intimacy and closeness. (#16), I think working in the office is better. do Larsen, R.J. Physical proximity is important to relationships; for example, it has been shown to enhance attraction through increased accessibility and familiarity (Moon, 1999). EPM 20/20: A review, framework, and research agenda for electronic performance monitoring, Social support at work and affective commitment to the organization: The moderating effect of job resource adequacy and ambient conditions. That's more than free daily lunch (42 percent) and unlimited vacation time (39 percent). The first approach builds on the assumption that the nature of the work will not be influenced by remote working practices and, therefore, one's work characteristics could be considered as criteria that managers use to design remote working policy. The high job autonomy might, in turn, reflect the unusual remote work situation in which workers had to very rapidly set up to work at home. 100875 Remote work is an arrangement in which an employee's official duty station is an approved alternative worksite. virtual An empirical investigation of the impact of individual and work characteristics on telecommuting success, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. However, results from Study 2 did not support this argument; instead, given the negative effects of monitoring on employee wellbeing, it appears an unhelpful and potentially costly managerial practice. With travel restrictions in place, Research Paper Writing Jobs | Upwork Though the desirable effect of job autonomy on reducing procrastination was identified by Mentin et al. In addition, cultural differences, such as how direct eye contact is perceived, influence the way people interact. The interaction term of social support and selfdiscipline was negatively related to loneliness (B=.17, SE = .05, p<.001). Valacich, J.S. Comparing telework locations and traditional work arrangements: Differences in worklife balance support, job satisfaction, and inclusion. Tan, F. This cross-sectional estimate combined with the aggregate shift to remote work implies that remote work raised aggregate U.S. house prices by 15.1 percent. Bledow, R. To examine the mediating effects (Propositions 14), we first estimated a pathanalytical model (Model 1) without selfdiscipline as a moderator. are concerned about their ability to collaborate effectively. , 34% Remote working in research: An increasing usage of flexible work Schaufeli, W.B. This situation might be because ICTrelated communication experience is logically related to the technical system at work (Blanger et al., 2013; Dennis, Fuller, & Valacich, 2008), which is not the primary research focus in remote working literature. Participants worked 7.27 hours per day on average (SD = 2.39) and by the time they were interviewed they had worked from home for an average of 20.41days (SD = 10.45). An employee can write reports or articles from a home office, but interpersonally sensitive tasks that may involve nonverbal communicationconducting a quarterly performance review with a subordinate, for exampletend to go more smoothly when handled face to face, says Golden. , The analysis showed that social support was the most powerful work design factor in terms of its breadth of impact. In contrast, disciplined individuals can more effectively control their own behaviors and may not necessarily rely on external forces. the Still taking relational aspects of work as an example, Vander Elst et al.s (2017) study revealed that the extent of remote working negatively related to perceived social support, which in turn led to more emotional exhaustion. Su, Y. The virus has broken through cultural and technological barriers that prevented remote work in the past, setting in motion a structural shift in where work takes place, at least for some people. Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Doing more with less? Our research shows that job autonomy did not predict workhome interference as expected. First, existing studies have showed that taking up remote working policy can reduce workfamily conflict (e.g., Allen et al., 2015; Gajendran & Harrison, 2007). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment as predictors of organizational citizenship and inrole behaviors, Unravelling the antecedents of loneliness in the workplace. Remote work thus risks accentuating inequalities at a social level. (1981). In a study on remote work adoption conducted in November of 2020, my research team and I not only confirmed the statistically significant increase in remote work in response to the pandemic, but we found that most U.S. managers had a positive experience implementing the practice involuntarily.. , Achieving Effective Remote Working During the COVID19 Pandemic: A Work Although the focus of the current study is on proactive behavior that is socially oriented, it is possible that job autonomy is important for building individuals proactive motivation to selfinitiate contact with others, and thereby reduce feelings of loneliness. The work design perspective can guide managers to design a better job for remote workers during the pandemic or even in future flexible work practices. The Health and Productivity Effects of Remote Work on Clinical Research There are no colleagues or leaders whom I can communicate facetoface. With the first interview, he conducted open coding by going through the interview transcript line by line. Study reveals growing cybersecurity risks driven by remote work Many jobs declared essential by governments during the pandemicnursing, building maintenance, and garbage collection, for examplefall into this category of jobs with low remote work potential. , & Our scale covered three frequently mentioned techniques, that is, providing daily reports, clocking in/out via APPs such as DingTalk, and keeping cameras switched on during working time; the fourth item, other methods to monitor my work performance during the period of working home, was used to capture other potential techniques. Parker, S.K. , What started at the beginning of the millennium as an. Nagy, G. 50, No. Spurgeon, P.C. We recruited 39 fulltime employees (15 of them were from Beijing) who were required by their organizations to work from home until further notice. implement You may notice problems with Therefore, people with higher social support will experience less workhome conflict. Bakker, A.B. , & Many people are wary of workplace friendships, but the benefits of forming connections outweigh the potential risks. Job autonomy was negatively related to loneliness. The moderating role of selfdiscipline on the relationship between social support and procrastination. Participants were from a wide range of industries including IT (26.6%), education (15.5%), and manufacturing (12.5%). Only one quarter (25 percent) cited recreational activities, like ping . Moreover, although job autonomy did not relate to workhome interference as expected, it was conductive to reduce loneliness during the home office days, which was not a finding we hypothesized. (2019). (1980). Participants were employed in a wide range of industries (e.g., education, IT, media, finance, etc.) In AmichaiHamburger Y. To reduce the skewness of the severity distribution, we conducted a natural logarithmic transformation of the number of confirmed cases. Importantly, we also identified some findings that appear to be unique to the pandemic context. Twentyone participants identified that they suffered from low productivity caused by poor communications during this period. Regression results based on a sector-level gravity model show that the negative trade effects induced by Covid-19 shocks varied widely across sectors. , See detailed job requirements, compensation, duration, employer history, & apply today. Emotional exhaustion was predicted by each remote working challenge, including procrastination, WHI, HWI, and loneliness. Employees also need to cultivate effective routines; set boundaries with managers, colleagues and family members; and make an effort to stay socially and professionally engaged, Jacoby says. The IWG 2019 Global Workspace Survey found that 3 out of 4 workers around the globe consider flexible working to be "the new normal." Unpacking the role of a telecommuters job in their performance: Examining job complexity, problem solving, interdependence, and social support, The impact of extent of telecommuting on job satisfaction: Resolving inconsistent findings. The Future of Remote Work by Adam Ozimek :: SSRN , of respondents self-reported as LGBTQ+ significantly higher than the known global representation. For women in particular, remote work is a mixed blessing. Or learn more about remote work best practices, Will work remotely or have the option to work remotely post pandemic, Live in US, UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Brazil or South Korea. Besides, WHI mediated the indirect effects of monitoring and workload on emotional exhaustion and life satisfaction and, therefore, Proposition 3(b) was supported. In other cases, an organization may require its employees to work from home, for instance, if a branch office is shut down. What are some good research questions for a thesis about remote working remote Remote Work, Free Get Abstract White Paper , Trust among team members starts lower in virtual teams than in face-to-face teams, but over time, it can build to the same levels, she says. , Allowing employees to work from home now and post-pandemic can benefit those with or without disabilities. Path Analysis Results for Testing Main Effects and Mediating Effects (Model 1). Making things happen: A model of proactive motivation, Automation, algorithms, and beyond: Why work design matters more than ever in a digital world. , & Company leaders hesitation around flexible work arrangements is often driven by the fear that performance will suffer if employees arent closely monitored. The moderating role of selfdiscipline on the relationship between social support and loneliness. We first assessed the theoretical extent to which an activity can be done remotely. Even within a specific role, some duties may be well suited to teleworking, while others are better performed in person. The CMC interactivity model: How interactivity enhances communication quality and process satisfaction in leanmedia groups, Journal of Management Information Systems. Hybrid Work Is the New Remote Work. would recommend remote working to a friend and For example, participant 14 stated: I can control the rhythms of work and rest. For many workers, COVID-19s impact has depended greatly on one question: Can I work from home or am I tethered to my workplace? Whether the shift to remote work translates into spreading prosperity to smaller cities remains to be seen. , & , This survey set out to ask new questions that will form the basis of global discussions in 2021 and beyond. For example, a metaanalysis by Humphrey et al. Stress in remote work: Two studies testing the demandcontrolperson model, Implications of social support as a selfcontrol resource. Chen, S.X. More people working remotely means fewer people commuting between home and work every day or traveling to different locations for work. Those include the effects of increasing the extent of telecommuting, best practices for managers and the relative effectiveness of various communication methods, particularly video, says Golden. Kluwer, E.S. A project manager (#23) shared her experience of being always online: Im basically always onlinemy supervisors and colleagues may come to me whenever they need something from me, and you have to give immediate response. The need to be always online affected this project manager's ability to meet her family obligations. Gajendran, R.S. Australia, 3 In contrast, procrastination diminishes as punishments approached (e.g., deadline). (2009). 38, No. First, scholars and managers usually believe remote working can provide employees with autonomy to alleviate workfamily conflicts (Gajendran & Harrison, 2007). Across all sectors, 38 percent of respondents expect their remote employees to work two or more days a week away from the office after the pandemic, compared to 22 percent of respondents surveyed before the pandemic. To date, in the remote working literature, flexible work arrangements are predominantly framed as a useful policy for balancing work and personal life. The relationship between social support and loneliness also depended on the extent of selfdiscipline. of the National Bureau of Economic Research. Individuals need to actively participate in such interactions, either by initiating them, or by consciously joining in to such an activity arranged by someone else. The revised UCLA loneliness scale: Concurrent and discriminant validity evidence, The nature of procrastination: A metaanalytic and theoretical review of quintessential selfregulatory failure, Basics of qualitative research: Procedures and techniques for developing grounded theory. But I want to make sure . This is the second annual Remote Work Report. Russell, D. Following the quote from WJX, each participant was compensated 15 Chinese yuan (equivalent to about 2.1 US dollars). , & For example, although individuals themselves might be the more suitable raters for their own challenges, their work effectiveness and wellbeing can be usefully assessed by their supervisors and spouses, respectively, to alleviate issues of common method bias. Is your organization ready for permanent WFH? Jain, A. In a context wherein remote working becomes the normal and everyone started working remotely, selfdiscipline is no longer just a selection criterion but becomes something that every remote worker strives to gain or improve on. Instead, in our study, we controlled for the effects of communication effectiveness on performance and wellbeing. Bin Wang, Yukun Liu, [], and Sharon K. Parker. We used MGIs workforce model based on the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) to analyze more than 2,000 activities in more than 800 occupations and identify which activities and occupations have the greatest potential for remote work. However, our study shows that online social interactions are not necessarily sufficient for reducing loneliness; a psychological pain of perceived relational deficiencies in the workplace (Ozcelik & Barsade, 2018; Wright & Silard, 2020). Shockley, K.M. Selfdiscipline was measured by the threeitem scale adapted from Lindner et al. Despite overwhelming positivity for more flexible work policies, The authors wish to thank Olivia Robinson, Gurneet Singh Dandona, and Alok Singh for their contributions to this article. The potential for time spent on remote work drops to 12 to 26 percent in the emerging economies we assessed. Bavik, Y.L. And then there are jobs that require workers to be on-site or in person more than four days a week. In our research we find, for example, that among college graduates with young children, women want to work from home full time almost 50 percent more than men. , T. Scientometric Full-Text Analysis of Papers Published in Remote Sensing between 2009 and 2021. We see particular value in examining people's virtual work characteristics (when working remotely) as well as their work characteristics when working at home, and using these two sets of assessments to really understand people's holistic work experiences. Many physical or manual activities, as well as those that require use of fixed equipment, cannot be done remotely. Other advanced economies are not far behind; their workforces could dedicate 28 to 30 percent of the time to working remotely without losing productivity. , Full article: Productive and connected while working from home: what (2006), caring responsibility was coded as a dummy variable (0 = no caring responsibility, 1 = living with children). Hybrid Work Is the New Remote Work | BCG - BCG Global (2014). Kaduk, A. This was to some extent the point of our researchthe COVID19 outbreak provides a unique opportunity to address theoretical gaps and expand theory. MIT SMRs fall 2022 issue includes articles on board refreshment, collaborative relationships, and management skills. Benefits, like ping # 16 ), I think working in the office is.. With Therefore, people with higher social support as a selfcontrol resource and loneliness shape work experiences the. Their organization is doing enough to share company-wide goals, document processes, create communication standards and! As punishments approached ( e.g., education, IT, media, finance, etc. of! Remains to be always online affected this project manager 's ability to meet her family obligations comprehensive ever... Is doing enough to share company-wide goals, document processes, create communication standards, Sharon... Industries ( e.g., education, IT, media, finance, etc )! 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remote work research paper