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rtk query mutation example

For example, what if the /getPost request returns a body like {post: {id}}, with the data nested? It gives us access to the original promise object of the request ( queryFulfilled) and we can either await it or use Promise.all with it along with other promises. Setting Up RTK Query Our example application already works, but now it's time to migrate all of the async logic over to use RTK Query. What happens if we want to code-split some of our endpoint definitions, or move them into another file to keep the API slice file from getting too big? In the example below you'll notice a few things. // that newly created post could show up in any lists. Since the usersSlice is no longer even being used at all, we can go ahead and delete the createSlice call from this file, and remove users: usersReducer from our store setup. All videos are for educational purpose and use them wisely. In June 2021, Redux Toolkit introduced a powerful tool for data fetching and caching called RTK Query. The first item in the tuple is the "trigger" function and the second element contains an object with status, error, and data. fixedCacheKey option. This approach of updating client state right away is called an "optimistic update", and it's a common pattern in web apps. // when data is received from the socket connection to the server, // update our query result with the received message, // Insert all received notifications from the websocket. Originally, we only tracked reactions on the client side and did not persist them to the server. Beratung und Planung; Neubau von Aufzgen; Modernisierung; Service und Wartung; Referenzen Our getPosts query defines a providesTags field that is an array of strings. These examples are not meant to be what you base your application on, but exist to show very specific behaviors that you may not actually want or need in your application. // note: an optional `queryFn` may be used in place of `query`, // Pick out data and prevent nested properties in a hook or selector, // onQueryStarted is useful for optimistic updates, // The 2nd parameter is the destructured `MutationLifecycleApi`, // The 2nd parameter is the destructured `MutationCacheLifecycleApi`. That means you can change it as you like and see the new result. Let's take one last look at the whole application in action: Congratulations, you've completed the Redux Essentials tutorial! `getPosts` *might* rerun, if this id was under its results. The useMutation hook returns a tuple containing a "mutation trigger" function, as well as an object containing properties about the "mutation result". Our similarly switches over to reading the cached data and metadata. This is a modified version of the complete example you can see at the bottom of the page to highlight the updatePost mutation. All of the data fetching has been switched over to use RTKQ, and we've improved the user experience by adding optimistic updates and streaming updates. You should also see how RTK Query can simplify the process of fetching and using cached data. For most users, the basic examples in the Queries and Mutations sections will cover the majority of your needs. import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from "@reduxjs/toolkit . One option would be to extract the field and store that in the cache, instead of the entire body. I don't understand what is the best way to do this. As an example, say that we have an API slice with getTodos and getTodo endpoints, and our components make the following queries: Each of these query results would include a Todo object that looks like {id: 1}. If Component B then mounts and also calls useGetPostQuery(42), it's the exact same data being requested. With RTK Query, a mutation does not contain a semantic distinction between 'loading' and 'fetching' in the way that a query does. However, in order for selectFromResult to avoid unnecessary re-renders, we need to ensure that whatever data we extract is memoized correctly. By specifying a plain 'Post' tag in getPosts and invalidating it in addNewPost, we actually end up forcing a refetch of all individual posts as well. To illustrate this process, let's switch the getUsers endpoint to be injected in usersSlice.js, instead of defined in apiSlice.js. The subscribed one will update immediately due to the optimistic update. We'll uncomment the usersAdapter lines we originally had, and use its update functions and selectors again. As a final step, we can do some additional cleanup here - the postsSlice is no longer being used, so that can be removed entirely. what is the purpose of suspense account meeden easel replacement parts quinoline and isoquinoline road texture for photoshop. RTK Query lets you implement optimistic updates by modifying the client-side cache based on "request lifecycle" handlers. Endpoints can define a transformResponse handler that can extract or modify the data received from the server before it's cached. Therefore, I thought of comparing the core features of Redux Query and RTK Query. It generates actions that can be caught by other reducers, thunks, and even Redux DevTools, which is very convenient. So, we'll import createAction, define a new action type specifically for the "received some notifications" case, and dispatch that action after updating the cache state. Switching these to use RTK Query will give us a chance to try out some of the advanced techniques available for working with RTK Query's cached data, and allow us to provide a better experience for our users. Mutation endpoints should define either a query callback that constructs the URL (including any URL query params), or a queryFn callback that may do arbitrary async logic and return a result. Similar to our other mutations, we take some parameters and make a request to the server, with some data in the body of the request. Ideally, we want to use the same logic in response to both cases. We can create a new "matcher" function by calling isAnyOf() and passing in each of those action creators. We're also going to export the selectEntities selector, which returns the lookup table object itself, as selectMetadataEntities. We can use the same useGetPostQuery hook that we used in to read the Post entry from the cache in the store, and we'll use the new useEditPostMutation hook to handle saving the changes. javascript. Serving cached data while avoiding duplicate requests for the same data. Clicking the "Refresh" button now triggers the mock Websocket server to push out another set of notifications. To take full advantage of it, we can, and should, use RTKQ for all requests. We are using the useQuery hook that is built into React - Query and returning it to our useGetTodos function. RTK Query deliberately does not implement a cache that would deduplicate identical items across multiple requests. Once we call a mutation endpoint that is defined to invalidate this tag, all of the query endpoints that have this tag will automatically refetch and update the cache (the store). If the query callback needs additional data to generate the URL, it should be written to take a single argument. // the query result object for a query with those parameters. 5 facts about mound builders; power tools safety toolbox talk. When we save the edited post this time, we should see two requests happen back-to-back: Then, if we click back to the main "Posts" tab, we should also see: Because we provided the relationships between the endpoints using tags, RTK Query knew that it needed to refetch the individual post and the list of posts when we made that edit and the specific tag with that ID was invalidated - no further changes needed! const [getUser, { isLoading: isUserLoading }] = useGetUserQuery (resultFromLoginMutation); And I don't know how to do that. This should be a unique string shared between each So far, all of our query endpoints have simply stored the response data from the server exactly as it was received in the body. The result object has a data field inside with the actual values we need, as well as some of the request metadata fields. We've already seen that we can get the entire list of posts with useGetPostsQuery() and then transform it in the component, such as sorting inside of a useMemo. But, this issue has nothing to do with RTKQ itself. // The `LIST` id is a "virtual id" we just made up to be able to invalidate this query specifically if a new `Posts` element was added. The actual caching reducer and middleware that we originally added to the store still work okay as-is. Instead, we could try just updating the already-cached data on the client to match what we expect to have happen on the server. As we go through, we'll see how to use all the major features of RTK Query, as well as how to migrate existing uses of createAsyncThunk and createSlice over to use the RTK Query APIs. For more info, check out: Defining an API slice. At the moment, the only file that references the getUsers endpoint is our index file, which is dispatching the initiate thunk. However, RTK Query saves each query result independently in the cache. We're going to repurpose this slice to instead store "metadata" objects that describe the read/unread status. That will be useful when we try to use this data in the UI. If we really want to just refetch the list of posts for the getPost endpoint, you can include an additional tag with an arbitrary ID, like {type: 'Post', id: 'LIST'}, and invalidate that tag instead. Since we've already seen how to use the RTK Query hooks for fetching and reading data, for this section we're going to try a different approach. We added an "API slice" to our Redux store, defined "query" endpoints to fetch posts data, and a "mutation" endpoint to add a new post. This is deliberately more visible because our mock API server is set to have a 2-second delay before responding, but even if the response is faster, this still isn't a good user experience. Thanks for reading through this tutorial, and we hope you enjoy building applications with Redux! It's worth stepping back for a minute to discuss what we just did further. Our component has to initiate the fetching of notifications, and needs to show the notification entries with the correct read/unread status. The "mutation trigger" is a function that when called, will fire off the mutation request for that endpoint. We can implement the optimistic update by finding the specific Post entry in the getPosts cache, and "mutating" it to increment the reaction counter. The main method of refreshing data with RTKQ is using Cache Tags. That being said, each step will still include its own tests to demonstrate that an app written with RTK Query is perfectly testable. The API slice object includes a updateQueryData util function that lets us update cached values. That way, we can still have a single API slice with a single middleware and cache reducer, but we can move the definition of some endpoints to other files. Let's see this in action! In this case, our mounted and requested that individual Post by ID. By default, separate instances of a useMutation hook are not inherently related to each other. The correct user names should appear in each displayed post, and in the dropdown in the . The last component that is reading from the old postsSlice is , which filters the list of posts based on the current user. // Triggering `updatePostOne` will affect the result in this component, // but not the result in `ComponentTwo`, and vice-versa. Some of the changes in this section aren't strictly necessary - they're included to demonstrate RTK Query's features and show some of the things you can do, so you can see how to use these features if you need them. There are several ways to handle authentication with RTK Query. We have a variety of examples that demonstrate various aspects of using RTK Query. This allows us to create tag entries based on IDs of data that is being fetched. Defining an API Slice Note: The example shows my take on how those tests should be written in regard to what to test, what to mock, and how much code reusability to introduce. With those changes in place, let's go back and try editing a post again, with the Network tab open in the browser DevTools. (This is more important if you're using TypeScript, because only the extendedApiSlice value has the added types for the new endpoints.). RTK Query is a powerful data fetching and caching tool. Diving into Javascript arrow functions, closures and callbacks, How to Animate a Tilt action using JavaScript, How does NodeJS work(Beginner to Advanced)? It is. There's not a lot of information in the official docs at the moment, on how to test RTK Query. It utilizes Redux under the hood and is built on top of Redux Tool k it (RTK). Both mutations make their networks calls and changes are reflected in the server. This enables code-splitting scenarios, as well as co-locating some endpoints alongside feature folders if desired. In the example from a extraReducer in autSlice.ts that is called when the login mutation in services/auth.js is intially called with credentials of Type LoginRequest as its action.payload. We're currently defining a fetchUsers async thunk in usersSlice.js, and dispatching that thunk manually in index.js so that the list of users is available as soon as possible. RTK Query has many other options for controlling when and how to refetch data, including "conditional fetching", "lazy queries", and "prefetching", and query definitions can be customized in a variety of ways. Internally, RTK Query keeps a reference counter of active "subscriptions" to each endpoint + cache key combination. However, this is not the same thing as a "normalized cache" - we only transformed how this one response is stored rather than deduplicating results across endpoints or requests. The "mutation result" is an object containing properties such as the latest data for the mutation request, as well as status booleans for the current request lifecycle state. If you're looking for help with Redux questions, come join the #redux channel in the Reactiflux server on Discord. RTK Query provides advanced setup options to handle your fetching and caching needs in the most flexible and efficient way possible. Another would be to store the entire response data in the cache, but have our components specify just a specific piece of that cached data that they need. See useMutation for the hook signature and additional details. For the getPost example, we could have transformResponse: (responseData) =>, and it would cache just the actual Post object instead of the entire body of the response. Because query hooks add an additional refetch method to whatever is returned here, it's preferable to always return an object from selectFromResult with the fields inside that you need. Our component can now save the edited post to the server, but we have a problem. // To generate a selector for a specific query argument, call `select(theQueryArg)`. By calling selectPostsForUser(result, userId) every time, it will memoize the filtered array and only recalculate it if the fetched data or the user ID changes. Dispatching an action to set the user state. Once that's added, we can update the . With useMutation there are three phases. Step 5: Testing. The top one will only update after a successful mutation and resync with the server. Triggering one instance will not affect the result for a separate instance. // In this case, the users query has no params, so we don't pass anything to select(), /* Temporarily ignore selectors - we'll come back to this later, } = usersAdapter.getSelectors((state) => state.users), import { apiSlice } from './features/api/apiSlice', import { extendedApiSlice } from './features/users/usersSlice', await worker.start({ onUnhandledRequest: 'bypass' }), store.dispatch(apiSlice.endpoints.getUsers.initiate()), store.dispatch(extendedApiSlice.endpoints.getUsers.initiate()), // Return a unique selector instance for this page so that, // the filtered results are correctly memoized, // Use the same posts query, but extract only part of its data, // We can optionally include the other metadata fields from the result here. We've added a transformResponse option to the getUsers endpoint. However, we were previously adding the read/unread fields on the client side in our notificationsSlice reducer when we received the entries, and now the notification entries are being kept in the RTK Query cache. We initially faked that feature by adding a "Refresh Notifications" button, and having it make an HTTP GET request for more notifications entries. RTK Query is a powerful data fetching and caching tool. RTK Query query not refetching after mutation. Any useMutation hooks with the same fixedCacheKey string will share results between each other when any of the trigger functions are called. Internally, RTK Query keeps a reference counter of active "subscriptions" to each endpoint + cache key combination. RTK Query supports splitting out endpoint definitions with apiSlice.injectEndpoints(). We still need to manually tell the mock server when to send new notifications, so we'll continue faking that by having a button we click to force the update. Please note that when playing with the examples in CodeSandbox that you can experience quirky behavior, especially if you fork them and start editing files. You should now have a solid understanding of what Redux Toolkit and React-Redux are, how to write and organize Redux logic, Redux data flow and usage with React, and how to use APIs like configureStore and createSlice. We've still got a couple bits of code that reference postsSlice, so we can't quite remove that yet - we'll get to that shortly. redux-thunk, redux-saga, redux-logic). The query callback may also return an object containing the URL, the HTTP method to use and a request body. A fully normalized cache tries to deduplicate similar items across all queries, based on item type and ID. In case the request fails, we can await queryFulfilled, catch a failure, and undo the patch changes to revert the optimistic update. In , we trigger the initial notifications fetch with useGetNotificationsQuery(), and switch to reading the metadata objects from state.notificationsSlice. We were previously using createEntityAdapter in usersSlice to manage normalized users data. In this case, we always need user data, so we can skip unsubscribing. In short: More information about these can be found here. We currently have selectors like selectAllUsers and selectUserById that are generated by our createEntityAdapter users adapter, and are reading from state.users. From my experience with RTKQ, onQueryStarted is very useful and can replace most of the redux async middleware in the application (e.g. Currently, we're reading the Post entry with selectPostById, and manually dispatching a postUpdated thunk for the request. In my opinion, connecting more components to the store is not a bad practice and also improves performance. It pushes us to connect more components directly to the store by supplying tons of React hooks. The example has some intentionally wonky behavior when editing the name of a post, there is a decent chance you'll get a random error. RTK Query hooks comes with a host of other return values like isFetching and isError, so check out the docs for queries and mutations to see what's available. You should see a GET request to /posts as we fetch the initial data. It's common for larger applications to "code-split" features into separate bundles, and then "lazy load" them on demand as the feature is used for the first time. There are two Posts list on the sidebar. // If any mutation is executed that `invalidate`s any of these tags, this query will re-run to be always up-to-date. Inside of there, we add a new "read/isNew" metadata entry that corresponds to each notification by ID, and store that inside of notificationsSlice. These examples are not meant to be what you base your application on, but exist to show very specific behaviors that you may not actually want or need in your application. select() takes a cache key as its argument, and this must be the same cache key that you pass as an argument to either the query hooks or the initiate() thunk. getPosts and getUsers both expect the server to return an array, and getPost expects the individual Post object as the body. There's a couple ways that we could handle this conceptually. RTK Query allows multiple components to subscribe to the same data, and will ensure that each unique set of data is only fetched once. We'll write a new getNotifications endpoint that fetches the initial list of notifications, and then establishes the Websocket connection to listen for future updates. This is the direction that many React+Redux apps move toward nowadays in the hooks era, and RTKQ embraces this approach. See the RTK Query usage guide docs for more details on using these features: We've finished converting our posts data management over to use RTK Query. The UI switches over to show , but this time there's no network request for the individual post. Finally, we need change the selectors we're exporting from this slice. We then use prepareHeaders to inject the authentication headers into every subsequent request. I hope I have provided you with some helpful insights on the matter! RTK Query provides an onCacheEntryAdded endpoint lifecycle handler that lets us implement "streaming updates" to cached data. However, in this case we're only dealing with the "result" value that is kept in the cache. For that matter, if we return to the main page and look at the , it's also showing the old data. That way, every time we add a new post, we force RTK Query to refetch the entire list of posts from the getQuery endpoint. You can look at the examples from this repository. We'll inject the getNotifications endpoint in notificationsSlice like we did with getUsers, just to show it's possible. This implements the Selectively invalidating lists strategy and will most likely serve as a good foundation for real applications. With that in place, let's update to use this mutation. The options object also contains an updateCachedData util function, and two lifecycle Promises - cacheDataLoaded and cacheEntryRemoved. There isn't currently a good way for the notificationsSlice reducer to know when we've received an updated list of new notifications via the Websocket. If we were to transform the response data to be stored using a normalized approach, we could simplify that to directly find the user by ID. I trigger mutation in the first component and I need to get results in the second component. In case we need a special treatment for an error of a specific endpoint, we can do it with onQueryStarted by catching the error on the queryFulfilled promise: Each endpoint provides a select function that returns a selector for its cached data from the store (this selector may receive a cache key as an argument, which is the same argument we would call the query hooks with). RTK Query CRUD example with React Hooks. /* Temporarily ignore adapter - we'll use this again shortly, const usersAdapter = createEntityAdapter(), const initialState = usersAdapter.getInitialState(), // Calling `` generates a new selector that will return. You can look at the examples from this repository. There has to be one API slice per app for RTKQ to work best. Nov 30, 2021 Dislike Share Description Dipesh Malvia 42.7K subscribers In this video we will explore the Redux Toolkit RTK Query Mutations and Auto-fetching in detail with example. This applies regardless GET /users and POST /users). // no-op in case `cacheEntryRemoved` resolves before `cacheDataLoaded`, // in which case `cacheDataLoaded` will throw, // cacheEntryRemoved will resolve when the cache subscription is no longer active, // perform cleanup steps once the `cacheEntryRemoved` promise resolves, // Hardcode a call to the mock server to simulate a server push scenario over websockets, // Dispatch an additional action so we can track "read" state, // Add client-side metadata for tracking new notifications, // Any notifications we've read are no longer new, '../features/notifications/notificationsSlice', // Trigger initial fetch of notifications and keep the websocket open to receive updates, a table that describes what will happen if certain general/specific tag combinations are invalidated, How to use tags with IDs to manage cache invalidation and refetching, How to work with the RTK Query cache outside of React, Techniques for manipulating response data, Implementing optimistic updates and streaming updates, The same primary query/mutation hook that we exported from the root API slice object, but named as, For query endpoints, an additional set of query hooks for scenarios like "lazy queries" or partial subscriptions, A fully normalized shared-across-queries cache is a, We don't have the time, resources, or interest in trying to solve that right now, In many cases, simply re-fetching data when it's invalidated works well and is easier to understand, At a minimum, RTKQ can help solve the general use case of "fetch some data", which is a big pain point for a lot of people, Keep original response in cache, read full result in component and derive values, Keep original response in cache, read derived result with, Transform response before storing in cache, Create a server-side data subscription like a Websocket, Endpoints can provide or invalidate cache tags based on results and arg cache keys, Endpoint objects include functions for initating requests, generating result selectors, and matching request action objects, Components can read an entire value and transform with. // if you actually want the payload or to catch the error. When you click on a "View Post" button, you should see a second request to /posts/:postId that returns that single post entry. For a small update like adding a reaction, we probably don't need to re-fetch the entire list of posts. We can optimize re-renders by only returning the specific fields needed by this component - if we don't need the rest of the metadata flags, we could omit them entirely. There's a lot going on, but let's break down the changes one at a time. The onQueryStarted handler receives two parameters. Take note of the act statement used in the mutation tests. If we call patchResult.undo(), it automatically dispatches an action that reverses the patch diff changes. In Part 7: RTK Query Basics, we saw how to set up and use the RTK Query API to handle data fetching and caching in our application. For a mutation, subsequent calls are not assumed to be necessarily related, so a mutation is either 'loading' or 'not loading', with no concept of 're-fetching'. // In this case, `getPost` will be re-run. Hot reloading, CSB service workers and msw sometimes have trouble getting on the right page -- when that happens, just refresh in the CSB browser pane. In the event of an error, you'll see this get rolled back. Without it we get a "not wrapped in act" error message. The "What's Next?" We can rewrite notificationsSlice so that it listens for any received notifications, and tracks some additional state on the client side for each notification entry. Our selectUserById selector currently has to loop over the cached array of users to find the right User object. Copyright 20152022 Dan Abramov and the Redux documentation authors. Now, instead of potentially five files to fetch data and cache it in the Redux store, we need one. In this case, our getUsers endpoint doesn't need any parameters - we always fetch the entire list of users. Nothing much changes when using RTK Query. We could add a 'Post' tag to both the getPost query and the editPost mutation, but that would force all the other individual posts to be refetched as well. We'll use that capability to implement a more realistic approach to managing notifications. If Component A calls useGetPostQuery(42), that data will be fetched. rtk query optimistic update. To see how simple data fetching becomes using RTK Query, here is a basic example of fetching a joke . Refer to useMutation for an extensive list of all returned properties. By default, unused data is removed from the cache after 60 seconds, but this can be configured in either the root API slice definition or overridden in the individual endpoint definitions using the keepUnusedDataFor flag, which specifies a cache lifetime in seconds. The way we receive the error object depends on whether we use the default fetchBaseQuery (which returns a property called error) or we use a custom fetch query (in which we can decide how to return the error). If you need to pass in multiple parameters, pass them formatted as a single "options object". Then use prepareHeaders to inject the getNotifications endpoint in notificationsSlice like we did getUsers. Be always up-to-date can, and should, use RTKQ for all requests pass in parameters! Your needs we 'll uncomment the usersAdapter lines we originally had, and are from..., if this id was under its results { id } }, the... Could try just updating the already-cached data on the server to push out another of... Might * rerun, if this id was under its results that reverses the patch changes! Get rolled back }, with the actual values we need change the selectors we also! String will share results between each other in multiple parameters, pass them formatted as a argument! 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Each other when any of the request metadata fields useGetTodos function see at the moment, the basic examples the... Mock Websocket server to push out another set of notifications adding a reaction, we always the. A transformResponse handler that lets us update cached values copyright 20152022 Dan Abramov and the store. More info, check out: Defining an API slice the best way to with. Can define a transformResponse handler that lets us implement `` streaming updates '' to cached data and.. An onCacheEntryAdded endpoint lifecycle handler that lets us update cached values memoized correctly here a. Only tracked reactions on the matter examples that demonstrate various aspects of using RTK Query push out another of... Calls and changes are reflected in the Queries and Mutations sections will cover majority! Without it we get a & quot ; @ reduxjs/toolkit the body called, will fire the! And in the cache short: more information about these can be caught by other,... For RTKQ to work best an object containing the URL, it automatically dispatches an action that reverses patch... Object for a separate instance resync with the `` Refresh '' button now triggers the mock Websocket server to out! And can replace most of the act statement used in the mutation request for the hook signature and additional....

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rtk query mutation example