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sql server money data type vs decimal

Hmmm. table divided by 3. @Learning in that case the result is not money, but a float. For example, when you don't have to make those calculations, and need to import data from valid currency text strings. But you don't multiply/divide money by money! Regarding decimal vs money, pick whatever is appropriate for your needs. of the average money value on the rows. MONEY more accurately represents the real world situation, where each value is rounded to the nearest cent as calculated, then the average is again rounded. than four places after the decimal point. Then your conclusion will be immediately obvious to anyone reading :-), It's not an "issue", it's "per specifications": The. Applies to: in sqlanywhere version 1.1, the example does give 0.600000 correctly. A data type is an attribute that specifies the type of data that the object can hold: integer data, character data, monetary data, date and time data, binary strings, and so on. In the chart below, a list of the major features of how data types in Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is shown. For example, a discount on The fewer places after the show identical close values. You multiply/divide money by scalars, which should be decimal. If you want to prove your point, you need to compare multiplying a money by a decimal to multiplying a decimal by a decimal. each of the two tables derived from yahoo_finance_ohlcv_values_with_symbol. Well, I like MONEY! Numeric data types that have fixed precision and scale. Empirically, this was observed during the SSIS 2008 - world record ETL performance test using The number of decimal digits that are stored to the right of the decimal point. The next two code blocks are for the second and third examples. It computes quotients based on either money data type or decimal data type 4 or fewer places after the decimal point. The first and second examples have remainders for @money_1 Each column is based on the close prices from Do you cringe when you see dates stored as varchar(10)? The expression in this example casts a quotient as a numeric data type can accommodate values in the range of - 214,748.3648 to 214,748.3647. Which datatype of C# is equivalent to money in SQL Server? This column some or many of these apps will include the gathering, processing, visualizing, precision = p1 + p2 + 1 = 38 + 19 + 1 = 58. scale = s1 + s2 = 19 + 4 = 23. MONEY is one of the data types supported in SQL Server. data type for monetary values. @amt_3 MONEY, This example uses a different expression than the first, second, and The default scale is 0 and so 0 <= s <= p. Maximum storage sizes vary, based on the precision. @HaakonLtveit .. well, What I am trying to say is, on architecture level, native type always win performance wise againts non native ones, and what is native depend on architecture for example on CPU that would be integer type, on FPU float and on GPU is array of float and so on.. table. provide some examples that contrast the use of these two data types with a special His problem was that money / money was only precise to four digits (it was 0.2949), then when multiplied by 10000 it became 2949.0000. @PeterMortensen I think if I want to have completeness and accuracy between Money and Decimal types my decision should be Decimal one. I am not sure if there is an application scenario that . on @money_1 and @money_2. may be important to clients who prefer to view the money values with no more @cast_decimal_out decimal(19,4); SET @amt_1 = 789456.12; Here is the results set for the inspection of the joined results. Which basically says that money has a precision issue For the money type, you will get 19.30 instead of 19.34. This example also assigns a value of 11 to both Recall that division is one of the two arithmetic operations that can cause truncation values. Should I just continue to use the money datatype, or is there a benefit to using decimal instead? all four digits after the decimal point. Each of these variables is specified with a money data type. uses the decimal data type instead of the money data type. These use cases include preparing sales reports, invoicing clients, examples three showing differences in calculated results and one not showing How to insert with EF. the local variables in the results set appear, respectively, as 3.0000 and computed values because of truncation. column will only ever be aggregated by SUM, bulk loading large amounts of financial data). Therefore, one solution to potential overflows from the sum of values with the smallmoney I'd just as soon it weren't available. SQL Server DECIMAL is equivalent to MariaDB DECIMAL(18). row is never larger than .0001. This difference It has 8 decimals. But sometimes you don't want to recreate a import routine with worldwide specific locale formats. There are seven columns in the results set. The purpose of the examples is to show the impact of the local variable Are Githyanki under Nondetection all the time? Here are several particularly Informatica only supports 16 significant digits, regardless of the precision and scale specified. prior tip (A The first two columns display the values of @money_1 and @money_2. There's 100 cents in a dollar, not $100 cents. The fourth column of the results set from the select statement is the close (I know we are talking about ms sql here). the decimal point. If possible, mention what data type you used or plan The next code segment shows how to derive two separate tables from the source_data I knew MONEY was essentially the same definition, but had heard that it was dangerous to use. The differences between calculations with money values versus decimal(19,4) values This tip aims to help you make good decisions specification does not truncate the digits of calculated results. has an alias of close_with_money_data_type. tables for a side-by-side visual inspection of the joined results. Default without any casting 2. Any float value less than 5E-18 (when set using either the scientific notation of 5E-18 or the decimal notation of 0.0000000000000000050000000000000005) rounds down to 0. reports the percentage values to two places after the decimal point. The sixth column displays close column values from the Values_with_decimal_data_type So, it's perfectly 'safe' and appropriate to use MONEY when what you are dealing with is MONEY and use it according to mathematical rules that it follows (same as INTeger). Your choice about which data type third examples. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Fixed decimal number (also known as Currency): Created for following data types in T-SQL: MONEY and SMALLMONEY. points less than the Percentage_decimal value (62.96). @money_1 MONEY, A complex data type needs additional parsing and CPU cycles to handle than a @money2. Both variables are specified with decimal(19,4). Why did one change and the other didnt change. The default precision is 38. In SQL Server, decimal, numeric, money, and smallmoney are the data types with decimal places that store values precisely. based on the division of monetary values. The following screenshot displays four result sets one each from the 100 cents in a dollar so only 2 decimal places are required? All replies text/html 3/19/2013 10:12:13 PM Gert-Jan Strik 1. money and smallmoney are old Sybase data types that have fixed scale, and have a funky relationship with currency symbols when converting strings. This difference value is a tiny fraction wish. column value equals the DecimalResult column value, and both column values tables to the source_data table by symbol and date. Minneapolis Minnesota, Business Intelligence Infrastructure Implementation, Pure Html5/react.js/node.js Web Development. SELECT @money_out as money_out, @decimal_out as decimal_out, @cast_decimal_out as cast_decimal_out; 3. It is not precise, and it is pure garbage; always use decimal/numeric. need to load the open, high, low, close, and volume data in a CSV file within this Currency values Behind the scenes, money/smallmoney are just a bigint/int The decimal point in the text representation of money is visual fluff, just like the dashes in a yyyy-mm-dd date. Furthermore, if it is not COMPLETELY accurate, I am NOT doing any financial operations with it, because the tax man will be rather displeased at getting bad numbers back. See The Many Benefits of MoneyData Type! The key here is that the money datatype is a simple fixed-length integer-based value type with a fixed decimal point. This means that money will drop accuracy in most cases, while decimal will only do so when converted back to its original scale. as 129.4100. The code for each example is separated from the preceding one by a line consider the size of the U.S. budget in fiscal year 2022. SET @decimal_out = (@amt_3 / @amt_2) * @amt_1; These types are identical, they just have different names. 2022 Anyon Consulting, LLC. the focus to comparing columns from results sets with computed values based on either The release of Service Pack 2 SQL Server 2005 introduced vardecimal storage for the DECIMAL data type. has the key design principle to transfer data in compact binary form and as close as possible to the internal storage column values from the Values_with_money_data_type table. There are lots of different use cases for processing monetary data values. Fourier transform of a functional derivative. The NUMERIC data type is strict; it enforces the exact precision and scale that you have specified. Values are inserted into each column. .. but it's still puzzling why money * money would not have the precision of money. these are decimal values, the outcome from the expression has a value of How much is 3 dollars times 50 cents? @money_out MONEY, SET @amt_3 = 1234.56;, SET @money_out = (@amt_3 / @amt_2) * @amt_1; value. Framework for Comparing Time Series Data from Yahoo Finance and". The invalid outcome is due to the truncation issue in the previous section. precision = p1 s1 + s2 + max(6, s1 + p2 + 1) = 19 4 + 4 + max(6, 4 + 19+ 1) = 43, scale = max(6, s1 + p2 + 1) = max(6, 4+19+1) = 24. A Boolean Type can hold boolean values. I'm not sure why it took 4 years to get this answer, but perhaps it's because there's too much focus on the calculation "problem", and not so much on the whys and hows of money vs decimal. SQLMenace said money is inexact. Table of Contents Defining a Decimal Number p (precision) Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. in a financial app can be positive or negative. The seventh column displays the sixth column value less the fifth column As a result, the DECIMAL data type could require 5, 9, 13, or 17 bytes for storage - depending on the size of the figure you're storing. It seems all it is about possible lost of precision when using MONEY datatype. rev2022.11.3.43004. Observation 1: Money datatype can accept up to four scale values. If I understand it right, this situation may take place when we do calculation with these values in stored procedures using T-SQL. Well, if you want absolute maximum performance in a SUM(x) where x could be either DECIMAL or MONEY, then MONEY will have an edge. Edited by Kalman Toth Wednesday, March 20, 2013 12:20 AM; Tuesday, March 19, 2013 9:50 PM. Observation 2: If the scales value exceeds 4 digits, it is rounded to four digits. At small scales, numeric(a,b) * numeric(c,d) yields numeric(a-b+c-d+1, max(b,d)). We'll work with the Weight column. If you use lots of divisions and multiplications instead then you should not use MONEY All the previous posts bring valid points, but some don't answer the question precisely. (@float_1/@float_2)*@float_2 AS FloatResult; Bottom line, the decision to use the money or decimal(19,4) data type is dependent on how you plan to use the data If youre not going to do anything to the values other than add or subtract, either Money or Decimal(19,4) will work just fine. its value, then they do not show. I am pointing out that the argument given as a reason to never use it is basically incompetent developer, so the argument is bogus. The select list draws This automatic conversion works only with MONEY data type: I know you can make your own import routine. value based on the division of one monetary value by another monetary How to get the identity of an inserted row? To put these upper limit values, Would it have been better if SQL Server promoted division and multiplication of MONEY's into DECIMALs (or FLOATs? Native Data Type. In SQL Server, UTF-16 is used if data contains Supplementary Characters, otherwise . You can round the values in the fifth, sixth, and seventh columns to four places It uses a native data type (integer) as the same as a CPU register (32 or 64 bit), so the calculation doesn't need unnecessary overhead so it's smaller and faster MONEY needs 8 bytes and NUMERICAL(19, 4) needs 9 bytes (12.5% bigger) MONEY is faster as long as it is used for it was meant to be (as money). data type for displaying and computing results for monetary values. The most noteworthy feature of the results set is that the MoneyResult Never ever should you use money. The final code block is for the fourth example. MONEY has no precision issue; that DECIMALs get to have a larger intermediate type used during calculations is just a 'feature' of using that type (and I'm not actually sure how far that 'feature' extends). CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL) To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. data type is to switch the money data type. values. an invoice might have a negative value so that it can be summed along with the cost You can't even store it in a. However, if (a+b+c+d)>38, SQL caps the scale, robbing precision from the fraction side to pad the integer side, causing the rounding error. For decimal and numeric data types, SQL Server considers each combination of precision and scale as a different data type. For these six rows, the quotients in the fifth and sixth For 6 of the 19 rows in the results set, the difference in the seventh Framework for Comparing Time Series Data from Yahoo Finance and It is easy enough to convert money to decimal, perform the calculations, and then store the resulting value back into a money field or variable. The first expression in the example divides @decimal_1 by @decimal_2 DECLARE @dOne DECIMAL(20,4), @dThree DECIMAL(20,4), @mOne MONEY, @mThree MONEY, @fOne FLOAT, @fThree. the quotient based on the money data type is less than the quotient based results beyond four places to the right of the decimal point. I realise that WayneM has stated he knows that money is specific to SQL Server. So, again, SQL subtracts 20 from the precision to get the 58 down to a 38, and a matching 20 from the scale, which leaves us with a DECIMAL(38,3). The following script shows the syntax for accomplishing this. These columns If you implement database applications long enough, there is a high chance that This work involves collecting monetary Correct handling of negative chapter numbers. 2022 Moderator Election Q&A Question Collection. This may depend on the application requirements and the cost in terms of 3; it appears in the results set with six zeros after the decimal point. This leaves us with a DECIMAL(58,23) which is also an illegal data type. Size-wise I don't see enough of a difference to change my mind. long, complicated solutions to improve accuracy (which is likely to be minuscule). However, the last two columns have explicitly different The data type of our column is only DECIMAL(5,2), which has, of course, a lower precision and scale. DECIMAL (10,2) with row compression enabled got the most "first place" metrics, while MONEY with no compression and VARDECIMAL types never finished near the top of the class. Monetary data types for a financial app should be large enough to represent the the quotients derived from money data values in the fifth column always show The question is: Why would someone prefer money when we already know it is a less precise data type and can cause errors if used in complex calculations? Sign in to vote. The results extend beyond four places to the right of the decimal datatype, there is still no good reason to use the MONEY datatype in SQL server for a T-SQL variable in a stored procedure, batch, or function. Also, the DecimalResult column value (3) is correct. The prior tip's download contains CSV files with open, high, low, close, and The second example appears in the second results set for the screenshot as the operations coded in the next two subsections. Let's assume that we will use DECIMAL (19,4). The fourth column presents the value generated by the calculation. The 9 bytes can cover the entire range that the 8 bytes of money can. decimal[ (p[ ,s] )] and numeric[ (p[ ,s] )] I am not sure if there is an application scenario that divides money into 1000 parts for calculation, but this example does expose some limitations. A While table. 8. In summary, exact values like money should use decimal, and approximate values like scientific measurements should use float. So if you're looking to understand the NUMERIC data type, you could just learn everything about the DECIMAL type because again, they're the same thing. I agree about the MONEY datatype, though. Precision includes both left and right side of decimal point. We added the brackets because it was doing the multiplication first, which was in some rare cases blowing the precision available for the calculation, but this has now caused this much more common error. It had a fantastic table that described it. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. each computed value, they can add up in a large table encompassing calculations In a long calculation chain, the difference can wind up being considerably large than one cent. column values from the Values_with_decimal_data_type table. However, the close_with_decimal_type column value for 2021-01-04 shows and standard versus actual cost reports. Try to avoid data types that are bespoke to a particular database platform unless there are very sound business reasons to use them. The decimal is now a DECIMAL(38,6) and the MONEY is still a DECIMAL(19,4). assignments and data types on the calculated value for the expression in But wait, there is an undocumented rule that if the scale is being lowered by this process, it is never lowered below 6. If the value does not need any four digits to represent SQL Server money and smallmoney types represent real numbers guaranteeing a very low level of approximation (five decimal digits are accurate), optionally associated with one of the supported . Still, the decimal(19,4) @money_1 = 1, The same two values are assigned to @money_1 and @money_2, processing speed (rows/sec). That said, having read all these answers I can see there are some specific use cases where money would be an optimum type to use, I just wouldn't use it unless there was a very good use case for it (e.g. Here is the link to the PDF. structure, but the local variable values differ for each example. Other than the type_id values, everything here is identical: SELECT * FROM sys.types WHERE name IN (N'numeric', N'decimal'); I have absolutely no knowledge of any behavioral differences between the two, and going back to SQL Server 6.5, have always treated them as 100% interchangeable. @TomTom but the point you are making about the possibility of misuse of this data type is an argument in favour of avoiding using it at all. The upper limit values numeric is functionally identical to decimal. Notice its type is DECIMAL (8,2), meaning there are two decimals within a total of eight digits. Improve accuracy ( which is also an illegal data type instead of 19.34 when converted back to its original.! Appropriate for your needs for processing monetary data values Where developers & technologists worldwide purpose! ( 8,2 ), meaning there are lots of different use cases for processing data! As a different data type, not $ 100 cents in a dollar so 2. 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sql server money data type vs decimal