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digital ethnography example

This collection tells the story of the Chernobyl reactor accident, seen through the eyes of Professor Willaim Zoller, an atmospheric chemist, invited by the United Nations to examine the site. the dowry at the church door at the wedding. Nuckolls states: "Newman discovered that as the tongue recedes in articulating vowels from the front to the back of the mouth, and as acoustic frequencies become lower, the vowels are judged to be larger and darker". According to Starbucks, this function uses methodologies ranging from ethnography to big data analytics that helps support Starbucks pricing strategy, real estate development planning, product development, trade promotion optimization and marketing strategy.. [149][153], All BDMV application files are stored under a "BDMV" directory. For example, we paid special attention to those events commonly mentioned by different interviewees and then traced these through the original excerpts that recorded these key events. Arabic, Berber, etc.). The boards can feature different items based on time of day, weather, and more (i.e. The same 5-digit number "zzzzz" is used for an AV stream file and its associated Clip information file. (1996) revealed that the color combination perceived as being most readable is the traditional black text on white background. The Image Bank includes images of cultural production from diverse world cultures, time periods, sites, and cultural institutions, and covers most major monuments of world art and architectural history. Often a woman who brought a large dowry was considered more virtuous in Chinese culture than one who didn't. Digital Agriculture. [21][22], In Babylonia, both bride price and dowry auctions were practiced. It is the culmination of a series of prior domestic abuses by the husband's family. [65], Spanish colonists brought the dowry custom to Mexico. Slides taken by Professor William Zoller, Professor of Chemistry, University of Washington, over a period of three years during research trips with his team to study the chemistry and impacts of the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens. [36][37], By June 2008, over 2,500 Blu-ray Disc titles were available in Australia and the United Kingdom, with 3,500 in the United States and Canada. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Not all vendors and models of optical drives have error scanning functionality implemented.[123][124][14]. Informal term meaning "worldwide". By knowing what loyalty customers are ordering and how often they order it, they can send consumers personalized offers and marketing materials to help drive more sales. [10][56] One reason given for this difference was the smaller marketplace (26.5 million HDTVs in 2007 compared to 100 million SDTVs in 1998). Nationality Understanding and designing high-value protein-based foods and ingredients whose intrinsic properties bring demonstrated functional and health benefits for consumers. 2 (18). The Blu-ray Disc specification requires the testing of resistance to scratches by mechanical abrasion. Discs with no flags set may not play in some non-compliant players. Photographs reflecting the early history of the University of Washington campus from its beginnings as the Territorial University through its establishment at its present site on the shores of Lake Washington. The kali al-sadaq (sometimes called mwahhar in Northern Morocco) is paid later, to technically meet the requirements of Mahr under Islamic Sharia. Iconicity is expressed in the grammatical structure of sign languages called classifiers. Historical photographs and pamphlets documenting the construction of hydroelectric power and water supply facilities built in Washington State from the late 1890s to the 1950s including the Snoqualmie Falls Power Plant, the Electron Plant, the Skagit River Hydroelectric Project, and the Cedar River water supply system. The current practical maximum speed for Blu-ray Discs is about 12 (54MB/s). Other UW Libraries collections are UW Bothell Collections, UW Tacoma Collections, and UW Image Bank (UW restricted). Photograph collections on glaciers, landforms, geology, glaciology, and related subjects from the materials in Special Collections. The Rhoxolanoi, who might have been a mixed Scytho-Sarmatian tribe, followed the Iazyges and occupied the Black Sea steppes up to the Dnipro and raided the Crimean region during that century, at the end of which they were involved in a conflict with the generals of the Pontic king Mithradats VI Eupatr in the Bosporan Khersonsos, while the Iazyges became his allies. The digital collection is comprised of images of binding, printing, papermaking and illustration examples and techniques. This would initially seem to discount Goody's model, except that in North India, the joint family is composed of the groom's parents, his married brothers and unmarried sisters, and their third generation children. Fifty of the prints were created by French artists, and thirty-three by English artists. [citation needed], Sony added Blu-ray 3D support to its PlayStation 3 console via a firmware upgrade on September 21, 2010. Recordable (BD-R) and rewritable (BD-RE) versions of Mini Blu-ray Disc have been developed specifically for compact camcorders and other compact recording devices. Images ca. (UW-Restricted collection). E.J. The digital boards will allow Starbucks to change which products it features to drive and increase sales strategically. [136] Unlike with the previous releases of 120mm optical discs (i.e. If the husband died first, which was frequent, there was a Widows dowry of one third of the husband's lands at the time of his marriage; the income, and in some cases, the management, of the lands, was assigned to her for the rest of her life. [95], At CES 2009, Panasonic unveiled the DMP-B15, the first portable Blu-ray Disc player, and Sharp introduced the LC-BD60U and LC-BD80U series, the first LCD HDTVs with integrated Blu-ray Disc players. Sarmatian power in the Pontic Steppes was also directed against the Greek cities on its shores, with the city of Olbia Pontik being forced to pay repeated tribute to the Royal Sarmatians and their king Saitapharns, who is mentioned in the Protogens inscription along with the tribes of the Thisamatai, Scythians, and Saudaratai. Anthropology In October 2009, TDK demonstrated a 10-layer 320 GB Blu-ray Disc. [94] At over 2000 dowry-related deaths per year, and annual rates exceeding 2.45 deaths per 100,000 women from dowry-related violence, Pakistan has the highest reported number of dowry death rates per 100,000 women in the world. [14] These nomads conquered the Sauromatians, whose name eventually came to be applied to the whole of the new people formed out of these migrations, whose constituent tribes were the Aorsoi, Rhoxolanoi, Alanoi, and the Iazyges. [92] It claimed that, unlike TDK's and Panasonic's 100GB discs, this disc would be readable on standard Blu-ray Disc drives that were currently in circulation, and it was believed that a firmware update was the only requirement to make it readable by then-current players and drives. [61] Prospective in-laws, usually concerned mostly with her working ability, grew more concerned about a money dowry. It provides background for those who will encounter this methodology in their reading rather than Dowry extortion is also a problem in Bangladesh. At first the husband publicly gave [or received?] Pakistan is the 33rd-largest country by area, spanning 881,913 square kilometres (340,509 square miles).It has a 1,046-kilometre (650-mile) coastline along [65] According to the Digital Entertainment Group, the number of Blu-ray Disc playback devices (both set-top box and game console) sold in the United States had reached 28.5 million by the end of 2010.[63]. Baker, Glacier Peak, and Mt. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. For example, digital ethnographers would use social media platforms such as Twitter or blogs so that people's interactions and behaviors can be studied. These are the societies that give brideprice. The UW Image Bank is an extensive collection of high-quality images of art, architecture, and cultural and historical materials. The growing collection is housed in the University of Washington Ethnomusicology Division which invites one or more international artists to campus each year to share their musical traditions through teaching and performance. A teaching tool featuring a sampling of materials held in the Special Collections Division focusing on the history of the book and medieval manuscripts from the 11th to the 19th century. High-definition (HD) video may be stored on Blu-ray Discs with up to 19201080 pixel resolution, at 24& 50/60 progressive or 50/60 interlaced frames per second. Transform the audio and video output. [53], One common penalty for the kidnapping and rape of an unmarried woman was that the abductor or rapist had to provide the woman's dowry. [108] See compact disc for information on optical discs' physical structure. [34] It was customary for the bride's family and friends to pay promised dowries in installments over three years, and some Romans won great praise by delivering the dowry in one lump sum. Women in Developing Countries: Methodological and Theoretical Considerations. If elders of the two families do not agree on the dowry amount, the marriage is typically delayed or cancelled. Lochtefeld suggests that religious duties listed by Manu and others, such as 'the bride be richly adorned to celebrate marriage' were ceremonial dress and jewelry along with gifts that were her property, not property demanded by or meant for the groom; Lochtefeld further notes that bridal adornment is not currently considered as dowry in most people's mind.[42]. Images of archaeological sites, artifacts and structures from the Middle East, specifically Egypt and Israel, dating from 3000 BCE to 200 CE. Al-Biruni claimed. Vast inheritances were standard as dowries for aristocratic and royal brides in Europe during the Middle Ages. Digital collection of artifacts related to the landslide that occured near Darrington and Oso, Washington on March 22, 2014. Includes images of horse seining, fishermen tarring nets, fish wheels, and crabbing. Images documenting the Federal Emergency Relief Administration program in King County, Washington, 1933-35. By 200 BC, the Sarmatians replaced the Scythians as the dominant people of the steppes. 6574. They support 4K UHD (3840 2160 pixel resolution) video at frame rates up to 60 progressive frames per second,[239] encoded using High-Efficiency Video Coding. [9][10][11], Anthropologist Jack Goody's comparative study of dowry systems around the world utilizing the Ethnographic Atlas demonstrated that dowry is a form of inheritance found in the broad swath of Eurasian societies from Japan to Ireland that practice "diverging devolution", i.e., that transmit property to children regardless of sex. [194] Some current estimates suggest 70% of available movie Blu-ray Discs from the major studios are region-free and can therefore be played on any Blu-ray Disc player in any region. Dowry in India is not limited to Hindus or any specific religion. However, the right of daughters to inherit and of women to hold property and other rights in their own name made it a different instrument than on the Continent. [57] The 360's successor Xbox One features a Blu-ray drive, as does the PS4, with both supporting 3D Blu-ray after later firmware updates. The dowry amounts are negotiated before the wedding. [14] In contrast, plough agriculture is associated with private property and marriage tends to be monogamous, to keep the property within the nuclear family. Photographs, documents, and video documenting the restoration of the UW Bothell/Cascadia CC Wetlands, from its early day before and during construction through its ecological development to the present times. The Domostroy, a Russian advice book of the 16th century for upper classes, includes advice to set aside property for purposes of a dowry, and use it to accumulate linens, clothing, and other things for it, rather than have to suddenly buy it all for the wedding; if the daughter should happen to die, the dowry should be used to give alms and for prayers for her soul, although some might be set aside for other daughters. [110] Despite the laws, the violent incidents continue, under a general perception of impunity. If her father died before her marriage, her guardian would first pay off her father's debt, then allocate a fourth of the remaining wealth to her upkeep till she is ready to marry, and then give the rest to her to take with her into her married life. Gehaz is observed in rural and urban Egypt, and is typically negotiated between the groom's family and bride's. This collection contains University of Washington student Tyee yearbooks from 1900 to 1994. Locally called " (Jizhung), the dowry ranged from land, jewelry, money to a collection of clothing, sewing equipment and collection of household items. [15][16], The Sarmatians in the Bosporan Kingdom assimilated into the Greek civilization. Unearthing personal stories from the archive, Wicked Flesh shows how black women used intimacy and kinship to redefine freedom in the eighteenth-century Atlantic world. Wicked FleshPaperback Coming Soon. [36] Andronovo pottery was continued by the Saka and Sarmatians. In circumvention of region coding restrictions, stand-alone Blu-ray Disc players are sometimes modified by third parties to allow for playback of Blu-ray Discs (and DVDs) with any region code. In American Sign language (ASL) a grammatical marker denoting intensity is characterized by a movement pattern with two parts: an initial pause, followed by a quick completion. The dowry she brought with her was typically sequestered from the property of her husband and other male members in a joint family. Images address many aspects of the science and natural history of the site and its human use. Maps offering rich insight to 300 years of Pacific Northwest history. [118][119], Afghanistan has both dowry and bride price, although the practice differs between different tribal and ethnic groups. Iconic calls and gestures are not formally considered language, or language-like communication in that they do not contrast or possess arbitrary characteristics. Digital ethnography allows for a lot more opportunities to look at different cultures and societies. [54] At some times, such as Ancien Rgime France, convents were also used by some parents to put less attractive daughters, so that the more marriageable daughters could have larger dowries. Cybercrime Professionals in other fields related to architecture are also included, such as landscape architects, interior designers, engineers, urban planners, developers, and building contractors. They reflect the social environment and political activities of the youth movement in Seattle during that period. [165] It also enables flexible editing of a digital broadcast that is recorded as is and where the data can be edited just by rewriting the playback stream. While most current Blu-ray players and recorders can read and write 19201080 video at the full 59.94p and 50p progressive format, new players for the UHD specifications will be able to read at 38402160 video at either 59.94p and 50p formats. [79], Although Indian laws against dowries have been in effect for decades, they have been largely criticised as being ineffective. Netnography This was one of the first relief operations organized under Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal designed to provide state assistance for the unemployed who suffered under the Great Depression. See more. Arranged marriages among first cousins are common, since they provide a way of keeping dowries within an extended family. Blu-ray [162][167] Windows Media Player does not come with the codecs required to play Blu-ray Discs.[168]. [90] Japanese optical disc manufacturer Infinity announced the first "hybrid" Blu-ray Disc/(standard) DVD combo, to be released February 18, 2009. The practice of dowry inevitably leads to discrimination in different areas against daughters and makes them vulnerable to various forms of violence. [25] It was a nomadic steppe culture ranging from the Black Sea eastward to beyond the Volga that is especially evident at two of the major sites at Kardaielova and Chernaya in the trans-Uralic steppe. However, the practice is much less common than in other parts of the Persophone world, as Tajikistan has a strong history of secularism due to it being a former Soviet republic. By I. Gershevitch, O. Hansen, B. Spuler, M.J. Dresden, Prof M Boyce, M. Boyce Summary. Some Blu-ray players can also play Video CDs, Super Audio CDs, and/or DVD-Audio discs. A selection of the best-of-the-best artifacts from the shared collection held by 61 historical societies, libraries and museums, members of the Association of King County Historical Organizations. 2), Trbner & Co. (London, 1910.) The Roxolani adopted these forms of armour and weaponry from the Germanic Bastarnae near whom they lived. Qualitative example In a qualitative ethnography, you may aim to produce contextual, real-world knowledge about the behaviors, social structures, or shared beliefs of a specific group of people. 1904-1940, depicting regrading projects, municipal services, and local neighborhood architecture, as well as scenes from the Great Depression including "Hooverville" and labor rallies of the unemployed. The 5-digit number "zzzzz" is the same as the number used for the AV stream file "zzzzz.m2ts" that includes the MPEG-4 MVC Base view video stream. 221251. 4 (1996). Convents in Quebec, as in Europe, required a dowry from the parents of girls becoming nuns, much as the dowry was expected in the marriages of upper class brides. "[2][3], The Sarmatians in the Bosporan Kingdom assimilated into the Greek civilization,[4] while others were absorbed by the proto-Circassian Meot people,[5] the Alans and the Goths. The Blu-ray Disc (BD), often known simply as Blu-ray, is a digital optical disc data storage format. These letters describe firsthand accounts of battle, reflections on the nature of war and its profound effect on those involved - both on those at the front lines and loved ones who remained anxiously at home. Page 25. with "picture-in-picture" effect). In 1425, the Republic of Florence created a public fund, called the Monte delle doti, to provide dowries to Florentine brides. The filenames of these files are in the form "xxxxx.mpls", where "xxxxx" is a 5-digit number corresponding to the Movie PlayList. Pacific Northwest Historical Documents Database, Pacific Northwest Political Marches and Rallies, Pamphlets and Textual Documents Collection, Payne (Blanche) Regional Costume Photograph and Drawing Collection, Peiser (Theodore E.) Photographs of Washington State, ca. If a couple died without children, a woman's dowry was often returned to her family.[59]. What Is a Research Methodology? | Steps & Tips - Scribbr When families give dowry, they not only ensure their daughter's economic security, they also "buy" the best possible husband for her, and son-in-law for themselves. The materials are drawn from the Seattle Union Record and the writings of Anna Louise Strong, among others. to enact regional price discrimination and/or exclusive content licensing. The Bhodhayana Gruhya sutra that prescribes the wedding rituals instead requires the groom to pay what is called the "Vadhu dakshina" or the bride honorarium. Folklorists often interpret the folk tale Cinderella as the competition between the stepmother and the stepdaughter for resources, which may include the need to provide a dowry. Universal Studios, the sole major studio to back HD DVD since its inception, said shortly after Toshiba's announcement: "While Universal values the close partnership we have shared with Toshiba, it is time to turn our focus to releasing new and catalog titles on Blu-ray Disc. "Ethnography and exhibitionism at the Expositions Universelles." Thirteenth-century court records are filled with disputes over dowries, and the law became increasingly complex. He points out that dowry in North India is only partially used as a bride's conjugal fund, and that a large part goes directly to the groom's joint family. Both studios announced initial Blu-ray lineups in May 2008. The man gives only a present to the wife, as he thinks fit, and a marriage gift in advance, which he has no right to claim back, but the (proposed) wife may give it back to him of her own will (if she does not want to marry). Internet of Things Data Collection Methods - Jotform

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digital ethnography example