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century communities atlanta

Kelleway, J. J., K. Cavanaugh, K. Rogers, I. C. Feller, E. Ens, C. Doughty, and N. Saintilan, 2017: Review of the ecosystem service implications of mangrove encroachment into salt marshes. It pays to understand how to secure a home loanespecially if you're a first-time buyer. In the event of a health or safety emergency, please call 911. NOAAs National Weather Service (NWS) issues coastal flood advisories and warnings when water levels at tide gauges are expected to exceed flood thresholds. Check this option to remember this device the next time you sign in to skip two-factor authentication (not recommended for public devices). Sea level rise is already causing an increase in high tide flood events in the Southeast region and is adding to the impact of more extreme coastal flooding events. Stephens, S. L., J. J. Moghaddas, C. Edminster, C. E. Fiedler, S. Haase, M. Harrington, J. E. Keeley, E. E. Knapp, J. D. McIver, K. Metlen, C. N. Skinner, and A. Youngblood, 2009: Fire treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire severity in western U.S. forests. 6: Forests, KM 1).217,218,219,220,221,222,223 Drought can also affect aquatic and wetland ecosystems,224 for example by contributing to mortality and ecological transformations in salt marshes,225,226 mangrove forests,227,228,229,230,231 and tidal freshwater forests.232 In addition to drought, extreme rainfall events are also expected to become more frequent and severe in the future. Increases in temperatures, water stress, freeze-free days, drought, and wildfire risks, together with changing conditions for invasive species and the movement of diseases, create a number of potential risks for existing agricultural systems (Ch. Winter temperature extremes, fire regimes, sea levels, hurricanes, rainfall extremes, drought extremes, and warming ocean temperatures greatly influence the distribution, abundance, and performance of species and ecosystems. Justice, and J. R. G. Townshend, 2013: High-resolution global maps of 21st-century forest cover change. Est. USGCRP, 2016: The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. It tracks the status of 817 permanent and 106 temporary venues, at 51 summer and winter editions of the Olympic Games, from Athens 1896 to PyeongChang 2018. US Geological Survey, Reston, VA, 278 pp. Ecological diversity in the Southeast is high,113,114,115,116,117 and southeastern ecosystems and landscapes provide many benefits to society. Ozone concentrations would be expected to increase under higher temperatures; however, a variety of factors complicate projections (Ch. Kunkel, K.L.M. In the Southeast, over 56% of land remains rural (nonmetropolitan) and home to approximately 16 million people, or about 17% percent of the regions population.250 These rural areas are important to the social and economic well-being of the Southeast. Since then, cities like Charleston, South Carolina, have started to invest in flood management activities (see Case Study Charleston, South Carolina, Begins Planning and Reinvesting). While recent regional temperature trends have not shown the same consistent rate of daytime maximum temperature increase as observed in other parts of the United States, climate model simulations strongly suggest that daytime maximum temperatures are likely to increase as humans continue to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.13 The resulting temperature increases are expected to add to the heat health burden in rural, as well as urban, areas.35 Projected temperature increases also pose challenges for crop production dependent on periods of lower temperatures to reach full productivity. Columbia University Press, New York,. Morin, C. W., A. C. Comrie, and K. Ernst, 2013: Climate and dengue transmission: Evidence and implications. You'll also fall in love with this community's gentle rolling hills and mature trees. With an inspired lineup of floor plansboasting contemporary open-concept layouts and desirable included featuresthis exciting new community offers something for everyone. The report is the first-ever official inventory of the post-Games use of Olympic venues. Privacy Policy Shaffer, J., A. Bennett, and A. Bylythe, 2017: NC governor declares state of emergency ahead of powerful Hurricane Irma: Get ready.. Kossin, J. P., T. Hall, T. Knutson, K. E. Kunkel, R. J. Trapp, D. E. Waliser, and M. F. Wehner, 2017: Extreme Storms. The Green River District Health Department recently did an assessment of ways to reduce vulnerability to negative health impacts of climate change in a mostly rural region of western Kentucky.290 As a result, the local health department plans to enhance existing epidemiology, public health preparedness, and community health assessment services.290. Deal, N., 2017: Deal declares state of emergency ahead of Hurricane Irma. Recent social science studies have indicated that people may migrate from many coastal communities that are vulnerable to the impacts of sea level rise, high tide flooding, saltwater intrusion, and storm surge.71 Even though many communities are starting to develop adaptation strategies to address current flooding issues, many adaptation strategies are not being designed for longer time horizons and more extreme worst-case climate scenarios.1,67, For the United States, 2017 was a historic year for weather and climate disasters, with widespread impacts and lingering costs. Scientific Investigations Map 3381. B., and J. S. Clark, 2016: Multiyear drought-induced morbidity preceding tree death in southeastern U.S. forests. Drought Indexes. Allen, C. D., D. D. Breshears, and N. G. McDowell, 2015: On underestimation of global vulnerability to tree mortality and forest die-off from hotter drought in the Anthropocene. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, DC, 2 pp. Park, J. Marra, C. Zervas, and S. Gill, 2014: Sea Level Rise and Nuisance Flood Frequency Changes Around the United States. Deal: Virtually the entire state to be impacted by Irma.. Get a feel for the neighborhood and find the right homesite for you. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Centers for Environmental Information, 8 pp. Lovett, H. B., S. B. Snider, K. K. Gore, and R. C. Muoz, Eds., 2016: Luce, C. H., J. M. Vose, N. Pederson, J. Campbell, C. Millar, P. Kormos, and R. Woods, 2016: Contributing factors for drought in United States forest ecosystems under projected future climates and their uncertainty. Emrich, C. T., D. P. Morath, G. C. Bowser, and R. Reeves, 2014: Climate-sensitive hazards in Florida: Identifying and prioritizing threats to build resilience against climate effects. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. FL Pan-Africanism U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology, St. Petersburg, FL, various pp. FTA Report No. The vibrancy and viability of these metropolitan areas, including the people and critical regional resources located in them, are increasingly at risk due to heat, flooding, and vector-borne disease brought about by a changing climate. Welcome to Polo Ranch, a new home community featuring inspired new houses for sale in Fulshear, TX, from Century Communities, one of the nation's top 10 homebuilders. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Silver Spring, MD, 58 pp. 9: Oceans, KM 3).234,235,236 Many species are sensitive to small changes in ocean temperature; hence, the distribution and abundance of marine organisms are expected to be greatly altered by increasing ocean temperatures. Thomson Reuters. Warming ocean temperatures due to climate change are expected to have a large effect on marine and coastal ecosystems (Ch. Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, & Biodiversity, Built Environment, Urban Systems, & Cities, Climate Effects on U.S. International Interests, Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, & Complex Systems, Hawaii & U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands, Reducing Risks Through Adaptation Actions, Reducing Risks Through Emissions Mitigation, Information in the Fourth National Climate Assessment, Scenarios for the National Climate Assessment,, 10.1641/0006-3568(2001)051[0723:ccafd];2, 10.1890/1540-9295(2005)003[0479:LOFSCF]2.0.CO;2, 10.1666/0094-8373(2000)26[194:ROPPAC]2.0.CO;2, 10.1371/currents.outbreaks.50dfc7f46798675fc63e7d7da563da76, 10.1890/0012-9658(1999)080[2045:SLRACF]2.0.CO;2, Strong evidence (established theory, multiple sources, consistent results, well documented and accepted methods, etc. The regions more tropical ecosystems include mangrove forests, coral reefs, pine savannas, and the tropical freshwater wetlands of the Everglades. The reasons for this have been the subject of much research, and hypothesized causes include both human and natural influences.13,14,15,16,17 However, since the early 1960s, the Southeast has been warming at a similar rate as the rest of the United States (Ch. Amelia Concourse & Old Nassauville Crossing, Newly emerging pathogens could increase risk of disease in the future, while successful adaptations could reduce public health risk. U.S. Census Bureau, , accessed May 17. Las Vegas is also home to University of Nevada Las Vegas, Nellis Air Force Base and Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Kunkel, K., R. Frankson, J. Runkle, S. Champion, L. Stevens, D. Easterling, and Brooke Stewart, 2017: State Climate Summaries for the United States. Reuters Investigates. Pierce, D. W., D. R. Cayan, and B. L. Thrasher, 2014: Statistical downscaling using Localized Constructed Analogs (LOCA). Ernst, K. M., and B. L. Preston, 2017: Adaptation opportunities and constraints in coupled systems: Evidence from the U.S. energy-water nexus. LOW INTEREST RATE OFFER NOW AVAILABLE! 3: Water, KM 2).. Water utilities across the Southeast are preparing for these impacts. EPA, 2015: Climate Change in the United States: Benefits of Global Action. Much of the affected region received between 10 and 26 inches of rain over the 4-day event, breaking many all-time precipitation records (Figure 19.12). The scope and scale of adaptation efforts, which are already underway, will affect future vulnerability and risk. Many in rural communities are maintaining connections to traditional livelihoods and relying on natural resources that are inherently vulnerable to climate changes. B. Smith, W. Perkins, L. Jantarasami, and J. Martinich, 2015: Climate change risks to US infrastructure: Impacts on roads, bridges, coastal development, and urban drainage. Check this option to remember this device the next time you sign in to skip two-factor authentication (not recommended for public devices). Lal, P., J. R. R. Alavalapati, and E. D. Mercer, 2011: Socio-economic impacts of climate change on rural United States. Dayton, P. K., 1972: Toward an understanding of community resilience and the potential effects of enrichments to the benthos at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Nationally, there are only five large cities that have increasing trends exceeding the national average for all aspects of heat waves (timing, frequency, intensity, and duration), and three of these cities are in the Southeast regionBirmingham, New Orleans, and Raleigh. Jankowski, K. L., T. E. Trnqvist, and A. M. Fernandes, 2017: Vulnerability of Louisiana's coastal wetlands to present-day rates of relative sea-level rise. A closer look at the August 2016 event in Louisiana provides an example of how vulnerable inland communities in the Southeast region are to these extreme rainfall events. A wide variety of adaptation options are available, offering opportunities to improve the climate resilience, quality of life, and economy of urban areas.77,300,301,302,303,304. Bernatchez, A., and L. Lapointe, 2012: Cooler temperatures favour growth of wild leek (Allium tricoccum), a deciduous forest spring ephemeral. Yates, K. K., D. G. Zawada, N. A. Smiley, and G. Tiling-Range, 2017: Divergence of seafloor elevation and sea level rise in coral reef ecosystems. Desantis, L. R. G., S. Bhotika, K. Williams, and F. E. Putz, 2007: Sea-level rise and drought interactions accelerate forest decline on the Gulf Coast of Florida, USA. For example, in South Florida, the Burmese python and the Brazilian pepper tree are two freeze-sensitive, nonnative species that have, respectively, decimated mammal populations and transformed native plant communities within Everglades National Park.180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188 In the future, warmer winter temperatures are expected to facilitate the northward movement of these problematic invasive species, which would transform natural systems north of their current distribution. Stocks, and B. M. Wotton, 2001: Climate change and forest disturbances: Climate change can affect forests by altering the frequency, intensity, duration, and timing of fire, drought, introduced species, insect and pathogen outbreaks, hurricanes, windstorms, ice storms, or landslides. For example, the number of days with 3 or more inches of precipitation has been historically high over the past 25 years, with the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s ranking as the decades with the 1st, 3rd, and 2nd highest number of events, respectively (Figure 19.3). It pays to understand how to secure a home loanespecially if you're a first-time buyer. The rural counties in the region are experiencing higher levels of population loss (13% of rural counties lost population) and low educational attainment (38% of rural counties), with 35% of rural counties experiencing poverty rates of more than 20% persisting over approximately 30 years.10 The Southeast is expected to experience the highest costs associated with meeting increased energy demands; an estimated $3.3 billion each year under a higher scenario (RCP8.5) and $1.2 billion annually under a lower scenario (RCP4.5) by the end of the century.35 Energy poverty is a situation where individuals or households are not able to adequately heat or provide other required energy services in their homes at affordable cost.285 A case study from rural eastern North Carolina further explains energy poverty as a function of the energy efficiency of the home, energy provision infrastructure, physical health, low incomes, and support of social networks, which collectively influence households choices about the amount of heating and cooling they can afford.286 The National Weather Service (NWS) calculates degree days,287 a way of tracking energy use. Higher temperatures can result in decreasing productivity of some cultivated crops, including cotton, corn, soybeans, and rice.7 Livestock, which includes hogs and pigs, horses, ponies, mules, burros, and donkeys as well as poultry and processed poultry for consumption (for example, chicken nuggets), is a large component of the agricultural sector for these states and the Nation.258 Livestock are all vulnerable to heat stress, and their care under projected future conditions would require new or enhanced adaptive strategies (Ch. Enwright, N. M., K. T. Griffith, and M. J. Osland, 2016: Barriers to and opportunities for landward migration of coastal wetlands with sea-level rise. The combined impacts of sea level rise and storm surge in the Southeast have the potential to cost up to $60 billion each year in 2050 and up to $99 billion in 2090 under a higher scenario (RCP8.5).35 Even under a lower scenario (RCP4.5), projected damages are $56 and $79 billion in 2050 and 2090, respectively (in 2015 dollars, undiscounted).35 Florida alone is estimated to have a 1-in-20 chance of having more than $346 billion (in 2011 dollars) in property value (8.7%) below average sea level by 2100 under a higher scenario (RCP8.5).64 An assessment by the Florida Department of Health determined that 590,000 people in South Florida face extreme or high risk from sea level rise, with 125,000 people living in these areas identified as socially vulnerable and 55,000 classified as medically vulnerable.65 In addition to causing direct injury, storm surge and related flooding can impact transportation infrastructure by blocking or flooding roads and affecting access to healthcare facilities (Ch. Authors with specific expertise in each of these areas were sought, and a draft outline built around these issues was developed. Von Holle, and J. R. Webster, 2005: Loss of foundation species: Consequences for the structure and dynamics of forested ecosystems. 8: Coastal, KM 2; Ch. EPA 800-Q-15-004. Check out quality layouts that may be available for purchase at this community today! While all regional residents and communities are potentially at risk for some impacts, some communities or populations are at greater risk due to their locations, services available, and economic situations. Carter, L. M., J. W. Jones, L. Berry, V. Burkett, J. F. Murley, J. Obeysekera, P. J. Schramm, and D. Wear, 2014: Ch. Offering new construction homes in Atlanta, GA near South Fulton, Century Communities at Bedford Estates is just minutes away from Camp Creek Marketplace, Hartsfield Airport, I-285, Wolf Creek Amphitheater, Wolf Creek Golf Course, and Wolf Creek Library. The U.S. The ability to cope with current and potential impacts, such as flooding, is further reduced by limited county resources. In Central and South Florida, such things would include the closing of schools, colleges, and universities; the closing of tourist attractions and the cancellation of thousands of flights into and out of region; and the closing or restricting of the use of seaports including Canaveral, Key West, Miami, and Jacksonville, among others.109,112 The Select Committee on Hurricane Response and Preparedness: Final Report109 estimates that there were 84 U.S. deaths attributable to Hurricane Irma and other untold damage and human suffering. While 2017 tied the previous record year of 2011 for the total number of billion-dollar weather and climate disasters16the year broke the all-time previous record high costs by reaching $306.2 billion in damages (in 2017 dollars; $297 billion in 2015 dollars). The Southeast includes vast expanses of coastal and inland low-lying areas, the southern portion of the Appalachian Mountains, numerous high-growth metropolitan areas, and large rural expanses. GA Academic Press, San Diego,. 10: Ag & Rural, KM 3). Williams, K., Z. S. Pinzon, R. P. Stumpf, and E. A. Raabe, 1999: Sea-level rise and coastal forests on the Gulf of Mexico. Many transportation and storm water systems have not been designed to withstand these events. As sea levels have risen locally in the last one hundred years, the storm water systems in these areas are no longer able to perform as designed. Reductions in the frequency and intensity of cold winter temperature extremes are already allowing tropical and subtropical species to move northward and replace more temperate species. Fayetteville (/ f e t v l, f d v l /) is a city in Cumberland County, North Carolina, United States.It is the county seat of Cumberland County, and is best known as the home of Fort Bragg, a major U.S. Army installation northwest of the city.. Fayetteville has received the All-America City Award from the National Civic League three times. Avery, M. L., R. M. Engeman, K. L. Keacher, J. S. Humphrey, W. E. Bruce, T. C. Mathies, and R. E. Mauldin, 2010: Cold weather and the potential range of invasive Burmese pythons. Atlanta, GA 30331, Wednesday Exposure to high nighttime minimum temperatures reduces the ability of some people to recover from high daytime temperatures, resulting in heat-related illness and death.26 This effect is particularly pronounced in cities, many of which have urban heat islands that already cause elevated nighttime temperatures.27 Cities are taking steps to prevent negative health impacts from heat. Between August 1115 2016, nearly half of southern Louisiana received at least 1214 inches of rainfall. White, 2017: Sea-level rise and archaeological site destruction: An example from the southeastern United States using DINAA (Digital Index of North American Archaeology). Bjorndal, K. A., A. A. Knott, and C. M. Oswalt, 2017: Divergence of species responses to climate change. B. Kinniburgh, F., M. G. Simonton, and C. Allouch, 2015: Come heat and high water: Climate risk in the Southeastern U.S. and Texas. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Atmospheric Programs, Washington, DC, 93 pp. Infrastructure related to drinking water treatment and wastewater treatment may be compromised by climate-related events (Ch. Although the appearance of tropical recreational fish, like snook for example, may be favorable for some anglers, the movement of tropical marine species is expected to greatly modify existing food webs and ecosystems (Ch. The regions more temperate ecosystems include hardwood forests, spruce-fir forests, pine-dominated forests, and salt marshes. Reduction of existing stresses can increase resilience. City of Fayetteville, 2017: Arkansans Can Take Steps to Respond to Climate Change. By the end of the century under a higher scenario (RCP8.5), projections indicate approximately double the number of heavy rainfall events (2-day precipitation events with a 5-year return period) and a 21% increase in the amount of rain falling on the heaviest precipitation days (days with a 20-year return period).19,81 These projected increases would directly affect the vulnerability of the Southeasts coastal and low-lying areas. Doyle, T. W., B. Chivoiu, and N. M. Enwright, 2015: Sea-level rise modeling handbook: Resource guide for coastal land managers, engineers, and scientists. EPA, 2017: Multi-model Framework for Quantitative Sectoral Impacts Analysis: A Technical Report for the Fourth National Climate Assessment. Martin, J. H., and L. W. McEachron, 1996: Historical annotated review of winter kills of marine organisms in Texas bays. U.S. Department of Defense, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Alexandria VA, 224 pp. The combined effects of changing extreme rainfall events and sea level rise are already increasing flood frequencies, which impacts property values and infrastructure viability, particularly in coastal cities. Oswalt, S. N., W. B. Smith, P. D. Miles, and S. A. Pugh, 2014: Forest Resources of the United States, 2012: A technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 update of the RPA Assessment. Storey, M., and E. W. Gudger, 1936: Mortality of fishes due to cold at Sanibel Island, Florida, 1886-1936. Maldonado, J. K., and K. Peterson, 2018: A community-based model for resettlement: Lessons from coastal Louisiana . You'll also love a prime location near shopping, dining and more. Anthony, K. R. N., J. WUCA Strategic Planning Committee, 2016: Water Utility Climate Alliance 20172021 Strategic Plan. The decline is due in large part to land loss and flooding driven by climate change, extreme weather, and unsustainable development practices, which stem from oil and gas production, extraction, and water-management practices.74 This process has resulted in family separation, spreading them across southern Louisiana.75 In addition, the Tribe continues to lose parts of its livelihood and culture, including sacred places, cultural sites and practices, healing plants, traditional foods, and lifeways.76, The Third National Climate Assessment77 discussed the initial plans for resettlement of the Isle de Jean Charles community. 201512,39). Climatic conditions are currently suitable for adult mosquitoes of the species Aedes aegypti, which can spread dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses, across most of the Southeast from July through September (Figure 19.6), and cities in South Florida already have suitable conditions for year-round mosquito activity. Ziska, L. H., D. E. Gebhard, D. A. Frenz, S. Faulkner, B. D. Singer, and J. G. Straka, 2003: Cities as harbingers of climate change: Common ragweed, urbanization, and public health. Adaptation, mitigation, and planning efforts are emphasizing co-benefits (positive benefits related to the reduction of greenhouse gases or implementation of adaptation efforts) to help boost the economy while protecting people and infrastructure. Synthesis Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, DC, 271 pp. 17: Southeast and the Caribbean. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. 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century communities atlanta