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gis civil engineering projects

1000 GIS Applications & Uses - How GIS Is Changing the World Tangible Landscape Experimenting with the potential impact of different building configurations with an easy-to-use 3D sketching tool. Water Scarcity with Ecosystem Services Modeler IDRISI The Ecosystem Services Modeler (ESM)348. Subway Map Simplifying maps for the reader to better understand such as the lines of a subway map in high contrasting colors.865. (GlobWave Project)827. Radar Interference Calculating potential radar interference and conflicts between turbines and airport approach/landing surfaces with 3D analysis. Air Space Review Automating the dissemination and portrayal of Special Activity Airspace information via OGC Web Services. (GE Smallworld)947. Application of GIS in Civil Engineering By Civilax - October 2, 2010 115 Applications of GIS in Civil Engineering Transportation Watershed analysis Remote sensing Wastewater, stormwater and Solid Waste Management Applications of Geographic Information System in Transportation Engineering Location-Allocation (Ordnance Survey Geomedia)641. Roy | Director. (Anchor Search Golden Software Surfer)665. Traffic Congestion Alleviating traffic congestion by making the best possible use of the existing transportation network and gathering data to improve decisions for modifying the network.937. Public Works is a founding member of PAGIS, the Pulaski Area Geographic Information System, a countywide consortium with mutual interests in operation of a GIS. Archaeological Survey Tackling huge problems archaeologists face every day collecting physical locations of their excavation findings from a wealth of sites.53. (TUFLOW)542. GeoJournalism Assisting journalists to dive into a world of data visualization using geographic data.758. Gender Inequality Showing the history of how women are working in the GIS field.779. Avalanche Modeling Uncovering areas prone to avalanches by assessing high slopes with sparse vegetation for residential planning, ski resorts, and highway safety planning.266. 980. Read the list. A/B Testing Making real-world choices by sending cars to various routes for the fastest deliveries. QGIS Archaeology Tools Computerizing the archaeological community with their record-keeping with the pyArchInit QGIS plugin.56. Building Virtual Environments Designing future buildings, roads, cities, and parks with video game contributions. Thank you. American Museum of Natural History Apply biodiversity information to collect, organize and analyze biological and environmental data to provide new insights into conservation, ecology, and evolution.500. COAST COastal Adaptation to Sea level Rise Tool Adapting to climate change decisions (building sea walls, proactive building ordinance, levees, zoning change, relocation with COAST. Im an apprentice surveyor, my research just led me here to have a look at this impressive, well-done job. Mercator Projection Game Learning about the shape, size, and conformity of the Earth with map projections.411. Gis Application In Civil Engineering - Development Planning Making citizens happy through smart development planning and understanding the bigger picture.68. Real-time Crop Yields Shifting to real-time crop monitoring and targeted, automated responses with drones and precision watering sensors.6. Non-Address Delivery Generating addresses for businesses and people without one using a 33 meter global grid system.612. List of Projects Related to Hydraulics - Civil Engineering Portal Water Main Breaks Knowing exactly where water lines and shut-off valves are located, prior to work.626. (Arctic Environmental Risk)97. One specific application that you havent mentioned here is using data derived from street-level imagery to do asset inventories. Mine Rehabilitation Restoring mines back to their original state using GIS tools like 3D profiling flooding of mine because almost all working mines require pumps to remove water.659. (SCALGO)536. Any GIS applications in urban sprawl, please? (WhatWasThere application)503. GIS application in Civil Engineering Temperature Mapping out the temperature with multi-dimensional NetCDF which includes dimensions of latitude, longitude, altitude, and time. (Income Earning in Maps)795. Fish Showing the probability of occurrence and observations for fish species from Atlantic cod to Walleye Pollock. Land Use Generating polygons and classification with the multi-resolution segmentation algorithm. (Strava Bicycle Routes)816. Bird Strike Flying safely through the Bird Avoidance Model (BAM) a temporal raster grid equal to the sum of the mean bird mass for all species present.227. 318. CAD Interoperability Integrating CAD data (DWG, DXF) into GIS and vice versa.359. Underwater Street View Submarining as if youre underwater in Google Earths underwater street view.685. Submarine Cable Sketching out submarine cables that stretch across oceans. Lightscape Lighting up bridges picking out the illuminated details and obscured areas.627. CE - Civil Engineering - Upper Division Courses | 2016-17 CSULB Catalog (Origin and Destination QGIS Oursins Plugin)157. Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Responding to humanitarian issues and economic development through open data sharing. Honey Bees Stimulating spatial thinking processes by analyzing relationships between environmental characteristics and honey bee health and abundance (GIS Honey Bee Research)288. Doppler Radar Predicting rainfall using Doppler Radar.1001. The world needs more people like you. (Climate Viewer)176. (Earthquake Prediction)256. Shovel Test Pits Logging transects, shovel test pits, and other recordings when they visit potential locations to conduct field investigations.64. Sales Tax and Bond Projects 2013 - 2015. GISP vs Esri Technical Certification, 7 Free Esri Training Courses to Sink Your Teeth Into, GIS Salary Expectations: Climb the GIS Career Ladder, Commercial Establishments Updating commercial establishment using gvSIG Mobile and local databases. 1000 GIS Applications & Uses How GIS Is Changing the World, Satellite Image Corporation AgroWatch Green Vegetation Index, Galactic Legacy Infrared Midplane Extraordinaire, Arches Heritage Inventory & Management System, Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, Origin and Destination QGIS Oursins Plugin, FME Server Real-Time Earthquake Reporting, DEWS Distant Early Warning System for Tsunamis uDig, Earthquake-Landslide Susceptibility Using Neural Networks, QGIS Species Distribution Modelling (QSDM) plugin, United States Natural Industrial Resources Map, FGDC National Geospatial Data Asset Management Plan, Ushahidi Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS), Multi-criteria Decision Analysis QGIS Plugin, Jerome E. Dobson: Through the Macroscope: Geographys View of the World, GIS Dictionary Geospatial Definition Glossary. Smart Cities Integrating urban development visions with GIS such as smart urban planning, smart utilities, smart transportation, smart public works, and citizen engagement.623. If interested we just published a blog post about 3 trends in using street-level photos for traffic sign inventories based on what weve learnt from people in the GIS space: (Sea Ice Motion)84. (Cluster Analysis)478. 469. (Refugee Patterns)786. Service Areas Identifying service areas from a fixed point along a network route to show response coverage for emergency vehicles.922. GIS-Based Search Engine Correlating products and services to a GIS database record that corresponds to a unique geographic location to geographically target advertising over the Internet (GIS-Based Search Engine). Stress Monitoring Correlating fish stresses from the local environment such as heat stress from the removal of trees along a stream.109. Global Wind Vectors Displaying gusting winds with vectors as directions. Center of Population Centering in on population drift watching its shift in dasymetric mapping. Remnant Rain Forest Studying aspect data to find how remnants of rainforest are almost always found on east-facing slopes (with aspect) which are protected from the dry westerly wind.403. Megans Law Obeying the requirement for local law enforcement agencies to notify residents about the presence of certain sex offenders in their area by only contacting a buffered area of the offenders residence.202. Aquifer Recharge Determining potential aquifer recharge using steepness of slope and soil permeability421. Figure 2 shows the . I need a civil engineer and cad expert. Service Areas Measuring how far paramedics and firefighters can service an area.580. Gis application in civil engineering Amal C Varghese Similar to Using GIS for Civil/Environmental Projects (20) A New Dimension Esri CT DOT Mtg ITS RWIS Clarus 092811 raymurphy9533 TerraCognito Overview TerraCognito GIS Terra Cognito Projects TerraCognito GIS Presentation (3-9-04) David Lewis Slovinsky Coastal Resiliency WellsReserve Projection Art Investigating our Earth by understanding map projections.337. Great job! Fuzzy Logic Applying fuzzy logic with degrees of truth because often does not have clearly defined boundaries.452. Epidemiology Tracking disease and epidemiological information in a spatial database. OpenStreetMap Harnessing the power of the OpenStreetMap by downloading the physical data for free (OSM Download)583. 2. Logistics Responding to military and security decisions with timely logistics and support.248. department of SRE RAMA GOVT. Search and Rescue Lunging into search and rescue operations using the Safety and Operability Index which calculates risk based on factors such as sea ice, visibility, temperature, and distance from SAR resources.96. I also express (GOCE and GRACE Satellites), 98. In everyday life, there is a lot riding on GIS for spatial decision-making. Slope Parameters Developing slope profiles such as convex and concave using 3D profile graphs.806. Hunting Zones Tracing out hunting zones for cultures around the world.771. Youve done a great job of showing the importance of GIS in the world and the workplace! (Waze Live Map)132. World Traffic Helping drivers get to destinations efficiently with traffic conditions around the world. Open Sea Map Sailing the big blue watery road with Open Sea Map.666. Soil Loss Equation Measuring the average annual soil loss caused by rainfall and associated overland flow as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture.807. Infant Mortality Track child immunizations with mortality rates.488. Market Analysis Expanding businesses through customer profiling, estimating sales potential, and finding available lots.737. Mars Rover Landing Examining how to land the Mars Rover safely with operations criteria including latitude for solar power, soil softness, slopes using laser altimetry, dustiness, rockiness, and a landing footprint.37. (Voxler Golden Software)422. Unlawful Landlords Capturing thermal signatures of illegal tenants in sheds because renting out sheds is illegal in London, England.199. Great inspiration. Hunger Map Raising awareness about global hunger and places that are in need.15. I heard this podcast about mapping whale sounds and how they are passed from a source place to whales 100s of miles away. Lifecycle Management Updating life cycle status of utility information as existing or proposed in GE SmallWorld954. Arctic Ocean Floor Sculpting the Arctic Ocean with the sonic depth finder and discovering dynamics with trenches, ridges, and abyssal plains.92. (Aquaveo Water Modeling)458. I would like to get suggestions on possible areas of GIS application. Cost Path Laying out a gas pipeline from one location to another location with a CAD schematic in AutoCAD 3D.958. Pilgrimages Setting foot on a pilgrimage and mapping the distances traveled.506. Military Mission Planning Increasing operational awareness to helicopter pilots through 3D for conducting ingress and egress movement.232. Utility Poles Inventorying utility poles with important attributes like overhead/underground, number of lines, and date of construction.629. Sea Ice Motion Maintaining an inventory of sea ice extents snapshots from NOAAs National Snow and Ice Data Center. Department of Interior Constructing dams, power plants, and canals for protecting water and water-related resources in the United States. Non-point Source Pollution Modelling non-point source pollution like soil erosion and sedimentation which are often controlled by variables such as land use/cover, topography, soils, and rainfall.375. As you can see, a civil engineer has an impact on the things we use every day and our surroundings. Network Signal Interpolation Clustering geographically high and low network signals and interpolating results in cellular signal maps855. Stewardship of Land Supporting Native American decision-making through GIS implementation. (Wave Heights)694. Crop Forecasting Predicting crop yields using NDVI, weather, soil moisture, soil types, and other parameters.29. Applications of GIS in Civil Engineering - E.A.C.E (Multi-criteria Decision Analysis QGIS Plugin)943. Land Use Change Summarizing statistics, graphs, and tables in spatial units600. Aeronautical Charts Scouting out the best routes, safe altitudes, and navigation aids in the sky with aeronautical charts.121. It must be noted that access to spatial data is limited which pose a great challenge. ArcHydro Operating ArcHydro in ArcMap to delineate and characterize watersheds.543. (World Animal Protection)312. Struggling to find GIS projects for you or your students? Agromap Breaking down primary food crops by sub-national administrative districts and aggregating by crop production, area harvested, and crop yields.16. Gross Domestic Product Creating continuous area cartograms. Best Civil Engineering Software Updated List 2022 - ConstructionPlacements from a stream network. GIS Engineering, LLC (GIS), a subsidiary to GIS Holdings, LLC, is a professional service firm providing planning, engineering, design, surveying, and construction management services in the Coastal, Commercial, Environmental, Industrial, and Transportation markets. City Engine Assessing feasibility and plan implementation using Esris City Engine improving urban planning, architecture, and overall design.71. (NASA Temperature NetCDF)989. Shipping Routes Stitching together shipping routes using the Satellite-based Automatic Identification Systems.668. Forest Heights Measuring tree heights with altimetry and noticing how trees generally differ 20m with taller ones at the equator. Tapestry Segmentation Dividing U.S. residential areas into 67 distinctive segments based on their socioeconomic and demographic compositionthen further classifies the segments into LifeMode and Urbanization Groups. Demography Projecting populations worldwide with a dot density style map.780. (GEBCO)697. Flow Stations Marking flow stations on a map.547. (Ushahidi Haiti Project)553. Hotel Search Searching geographically for five-star hotels using a circle radius.871. GIS allows the formation of new infrastructure for innovative civil works including contouring, grading, mass haul plans, equipment staging, and environmental mitigation plan. HIV AIDS Database Making the distribution of HIV/AIDS to manage treatment.497. Pacific Ocean Opening Google Earth and realizing how the Pacific Ocean covers one side of the Earth in a global view.675. Preliminary Site Investigation Searching ancient maps for buildings, cemeteries, roads, and fences as these sites present important clues to archaeological sites.58. Smart Grids Determining optimal locations for smart grid and real-time analytic components.960. Integrated Freight Network Model Integrating highly detailed information about shipping costs, transfer costs, traffic volumes, and network interconnectivity properties in a GIS-based platform. First Law of Geography Using Toblers First Law of Geography in analysis- Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.441. Pangea Drawing the different stages of the continental evolution from Pangea to the Earth we see today.518. Crowd Simulation Mastering the collective dynamics of interacting objects in urban phenomena at the scale of individual households, people, and units of real estate and at time scales approaching real-time. (Zetron Computer-Aided Dispatch)197. Open Data Opening up government (tax-payer) data through geospatial open data portals and data sharing strategies.727. Fibre Optic Cable Planning fiber optic cable infrastructure through network views showing capacity, equipment, and customer demographics.858. Marine Pollution Pinpointing the source of marine pollutants such as industrial, agricultural, and residential waste.679. We would be happy to talk to you about your work requirements. 33. Coastal Hazards Minimizing loss by identifying potential hazards such as algal blooms, eutrophication, and tsunamis (Coastal Hazards)677. Signal Expansion Planning expansion by better understanding signal strengths in three-dimensional buildings or mapping your home Wi-Fi signal in 2D. Most of the Task Force members were part of the successful completion of DRC Greenfield Factory Project. Power Outages Helping customers keep the lights on with assets and attributes such as poles and transformers in AutoCAD Map 3D.957. Detection of repairs on structures. Environmental Risk Assessing the environmental vulnerability of marine resources with respect to oil spills as external stressors. Tap here to review the details. Sedimentation Rate Characterizing erosion and sedimentation with the Sediment Transport Index.525. Road Assessment Taking measurements of pavement through aerial and mobile LiDAR.919. Geographic Profiling Using a connected series of crimes to determine the most probabilistic location of a criminal offender or offense which is useful for finding serial criminals.208. Internet Geocoding Mapping and analyzing user-generated geocoded data to get a glimpse of what internet users (in the aggregate) think about particular places. Marine Geology Inventorying marine geology. Texture Classification Digging up the dirt on soil texture through the USDA soil texture classification801. Congratulations! UPS Telematics Monitor performance and safety of package cars Safety including seatbelt usage, speed, and whether or not a door was shut.941. Great list. Drainage Ditches Tracing farm field drainage lines using stereo imagery in MicroImages TNTMips. Anaglyph 3D Viewing anaglyph 3D images with the SAGA GIS Anaglyph Tool.599. (NASA Langley Research Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard)291. Geotagging Photos Specifying wildlife photo locations through geotagging and streamlining the importing process with ArcPhoto. If you are looking for great projects, have a passion for success, and geared for growth in a team environment - GIS Engineering is your home Come join our family, who has been Putting People first since 1948. Walkability Understanding health factors like active transportation, bike paths, and walking paths in a neighborhood. Economic Freedom Mapping economic freedom throughout the world an annual guide published by The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation (Economic Freedom Heat Map)324. Trip Generation/Production Estimating the number of trips that are produced or originate in each zone of a study area. (Transboundary Watersheds)733. Uranium Depletion Mapping depleted uranium and preventing it from getting into the wrong hands.228. Mars in Google Earth Searching for Martian landmarks with Google Earths Live from Mars layer.44. Maori Tribe Recording, organizing, and making available information about traditional values from Maori elders. (Earthquake-Landslide Susceptibility Using Neural Networks). Sky View Factor Considering the visible sky and topographic influences to estimate radiation balances, temperature, and evapotranspiration.1002. Crop Resilience to Climate Change Adapting to climate change and shifting weather patterns by promoting the continued health of your fields.17. Parking Demand Estimating parking demand and its fit with parking capacity with Python. World Power Types Seeing how much of the world is being powered by fossil fuels, nuclear and renewable sources. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Feeding data from GPS units, video cameras, and road monitoring units to advance the efficiency and safety of transportation systems.910. The power of the Task Force members were part of the Earth with Map projections.411 with Traffic around! Through geotagging and streamlining the importing process with ArcPhoto im an apprentice,! Sea Map Sailing the big blue watery road with open Sea Map.666 submarine Cable Sketching out submarine cables that across... Harnessing the power of the Task Force members were part of the continental evolution from pangea to the Earth Map! 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gis civil engineering projects